130 The depths of life and nature thoreau quotes

thoreau quotes

Introduction: Thoreau is a famous writer and philosopher.  In his life and writings, the subject of nature and humanity came up deeply. Through his work, Thoreau taught people to relate to nature. His writings and quotes continue to influence our lives today. Thoreau’s quotes contain deep philosophical thoughts, which make our life’s journey simple and … Read more

190 Know shakespeare quotes on lying: the eternal lesson of deception

shakespeare quotes on lying

Introduction  Shakespeare was a world famous writer.  His plays, poems and quotes taught people to think deeply. Shakespeare quotes especially “shakespeare quotes on lying” are still relevant today. His quotes teach us, a lie can never be true. The difference between lie and truth is important in every aspect of our life.  Shakespeare deals with … Read more

In quotes about fake friends how to know a true friend

quotes about fake friends

Introduction: Friends play a big role in our life. They are by our side in happiness, sadness, everything.  But are all friends true?  Many times we associate with unfaithful friends. They hurt us, make us feel bad. Therefore, it is important to recognize unfaithful friends. There are some quotes that speak true about unfaithful friends. … Read more

The best defunctland making art quote simple explanation

defunctland making art quote

Introduction: Defunktland art presents a unique perspective on making art quotes. It doesn’t just cite a defunctland created art it reinvents the meaning of art and its impact. The artist’s work once became a reflection of life and his inner feelings. Through these quotes we understand that art is simply a continuous creative word. It … Read more

Funny little short funny quotes with the word abreast in it – for everyday laughs

short funny quotes with the word abreast in it

Introduction We need a little humor in our daily lives.  And if the humor is in short, easy-to-understand quotes, the fun is even greater. Here are some short funny quotes with the word abreast in it that will make you laugh.  They are great for everything from everyday conversations to sharing on social media.  Simplified … Read more