560+ Kindness Quotes for Kids: Kindness Quotes for Kids


Kindness quotes for kids are very important, as it helps them develop good manners and a sense of respect. Teaching kindness and compassion helps children build character.  “Kindness quotes for kids” creates an attitude of love and helpfulness in the minds of children, which plays an important role in their lives. Some simple and sweet “simple kindness quotes for kids” teach the importance of kindness and love in children.

Table of Contents

Acts of kindness quotes for kids” help them learn how to show compassion to others around them. Love and kindness quotes for kids” tells children that kindness and love go together. Random acts of kindness quotes for kids” encourages children to do good deeds unknowingly, which make the world a better place. All these quotes are especially beneficial for children, as they can easily understand them and get them stuck in their hearts. Such “cute kindness quotes for kids” create joy and excitement in their minds, guiding them to be good people in the society.

Best kindness quotes for kids: Simple and sweet quotes

 Teaching kindness and empathy to children is extremely important.  Here are kindness quotes for kids that are simple, motivational and sweet. These kindness quotes for kids

 sow the seeds of compassion in children’s minds, helping them develop love and kindness in their hearts. Each quote is short, simple and very suitable for kids.

kindness quotes for kids

Annie Rose

“A smile can change the world.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Love and kindness make the world beautiful.”

Dale Carnegie

“The more you love, the more you will receive.”

Mother Teresa

“A small good deed is stronger than many big ones.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“What you give out, comes back.”

Mark Twain

“Kindness is the language of the heart, which everyone understands.”

William Shakespeare

“Small actions can make a big difference.”

Dora Luke

“Love everyone, you get what you give.”

John Keown

“The greatest joy in life is to make others laugh.”

Joar Demet

“Kindness is a daily habit.”

Harry Kumar

“The most beautiful thing in the world is your compassion.”

Jack London

“A good deed can change the world.”

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

“Diversity, respect, and kindness give us strength to support each other.”

Martin Luther King Jr

“If there is kindness in the heart in what we do, it will guide everything in the right direction.”

Kid quotes

“Honestly, there is no age for kindness.”

Helen Keller

“Kindness fills each other with love and affection.”

Nelson Mandela

“Make the world a better place with compassion.”

John Moore

“No work is small, if it is done with kindness.”

Winston Churchill

“Try to give everyone a smile, even when you’re not getting one yourself.”

Kindness Quotes for Kids
Kindness Quotes for Kids

Albert Einstein

“Your compassion is your strength.”

Steven Hawking

“To do great things you must first do small things.”

Elon Musk

“Kindness is the only power to change the world.”

Mariah Carey

“A big heart is the greatest strength.”

Bill Gates

“Empathy is a source of strength for humanity.”

Tanya Taylor

“Learn kindness from the heart, love the earth.”

Harry Potter

“Never be late for a small favor.”

Billy White

“The most important thing in life is kindness.”

Gabriel Garcia

“Kindness is a flower of the heart that makes the world beautiful.”

Paul Lorque

“Choose a beautiful day to do compassionate work.”

Sheryl Whitt

“A day full of kindness makes the world beautiful.”

Sara Jessica

“Learn to be humble, loving, kindness is human nature.”

Ella Fitzgerald

“Any small act, if done with kindness and love, can have a huge impact.”

These kindness quotes for kids will help teach kids that kindness and compassion are crucial not only for human well-being, but also for building a beautiful society. They are simple and sweet but have a deep impact on children’s minds. Through these quotes, they understand that love, kindness and compassion are not only charming, but also make life more beautiful and peaceful.

Kindness Quotes For Kids About Love And Care

Teaching kindness and love to children is very important. Here are some simple and motivational kindness quotes for kids, which will develop a sense of compassion and care in them.

Simple and motivational kindness quotes for kids

Mother Teresa

“By being kind, you can make the world a better place.”

Matthew 18:2-5

“Love is a language that every heart understands.”

Dr. Seuss

“When you show kindness, the world is happier.”

Angela Davis

“It is through compassion for others that we learn to love ourselves.”

Steven Patterson

“A small smile can make a big impact.”

Albert Einstein

“Instill kindness and love in the hearts of children, they will change the world.”

Haley Anderson

“Love and compassion have the most beautiful relationship.”


“What you give out comes back.”

William Shakespeare

“One honest act can make a big difference.”

Mark Twain

“Sow the seeds of kindness and love in every child.”

Patri Sloan

“Kindness is powerful. It brings everyone together.”

Deepak Chopra

“Love is the way to peace.”

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

“Small good deeds make a big impact.”

Dale Carnegie

“Love everyone and make the world a better place.”

Harold Dr. fax

“It comes not only to you, but through you.”

Grant Mercedes

“Mercy is not just for one person, it is for the whole world.”

Rachel Maddow

“The more you love, the more you will receive mercy.”

Oscar Wilde

“Kindness unites us all.”

J. K. Rowling

“Love and kindness complement each other.”

Leo Tolstoy

“Even a small act can change the world.”

Leon Tolstoy

“The more you love, the more you will receive mercy.”

Anthony Gettys

“Acts of compassion are never small.”

Edward Podiak

“Compassion and love make the world a better place.”

Shams Tabriz

“Let your love be revealed through kindness.”

Theodore Roosevelt

“Children will make the world a better place if we teach them kindness and love.”

Kindness Quotes for Kids
Kindness Quotes for Kids

Carl Hughes

“To do something for others, you need to be happy yourself.”

Daniel Schiffer

“A smile or a good deed can change a lot.”

Warren Buffett

“An honest act can make a revolution.”

Melanie Green

“We have a responsibility to instill kindness and love in every child.”

Derrick Jackson

“There is a deep connection between love and compassion.”

These kindness quotes for kids teach kids how they can show kindness, love, and care in their lives.  These are motivational and empathetic for them. These kindness quotes for kids teach the key lessons of love and compassion in children’s lives. When they understand and practice these, they become more compassionate and caring towards each other, which makes the world a better place.

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Simple kindness quotes for kids: Short and simple quotes

Short and simple kindness quotes for kids are an easy way to teach them compassion and kindness. Such quotes are easy for children to understand and help instill love and kindness in their hearts. Below are short and simple kindness quotes, which are suitable for kids and help change their attitude.

Simple Kindness Quotes for Kids:

Albert Schweitzer

“A little smile can change everything.”

Mother Teresa

“Kindness can make anyone happy.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“One small act of kindness from you can change the world.”

Benjamin Franklin

“The more kindness you give, the more love you will receive.”

Laila Goodman

“What you give, you get back.”

The Dalai Lama

“The greatest power in the world is love.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The best way to be happy is to make others happy.”

Mother Teresa

“True beauty is love that comes from the heart.”

Elizabeth Cubitt

“Kindness helps to improve people.”

Charlie Chaplin

“Kindness and love can be given to all through humor.”

Anu Malik

“Just a good deed makes the day better.”

Edgar Allan Poe

“A world without mercy is merciless.”

Robin Sharma

“There is a kind of hero in every human being.”

Demi Lovato

“The more kindness is given, the more love will come.”

Henry David Thoreau

“If all is well in the world, there must be kindness among all.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Live together, build love.”

David Icke

“Kindness opens many doors.”

Albert Einstein

“A small smile can make a big difference.”

Lao Tzu

“Help others, you will be happy yourself.”

Anne Frank

“Do something good every day.”

Tom Hanks

“You’ll love putting smiles on other people’s faces too.”

Steven Hawking

“Be happy, be good, and be kind.”

Albert Einstein

“If you want to do something big, you have to do something small.”

Dale Carnegie

“Kindness has great power.”

Carolyn Fairmont

“Our only job is to spread joy.”

Oscar World

“True beauty is kindness and love.”

Albert Schweitzer

“A small good deed helps change the world.”

Brian Tracy

“As much love as you give, you will receive.”

Oliver Twist

“Light the world, through kindness and love.”

Mary Ann Redmond

“Everything becomes more beautiful with kindness and love.”

Kindness Quotes for Kids
Kindness Quotes for Kids

John Lennon

“A few good deeds make people’s lives beautiful.”

Dora Gomez

“A small good deed makes the whole day beautiful.”

These kindness quotes for kids teach kids that small actions can make a big difference. A depth of love, kindness, and compassion emerges in them, which will affect their attitudes and lives.

Acts of Kindness Quotes for Kids

The importance of kindness or compassion for children is immense. Acts of kindness quotes for kids teach them that small acts of kindness can make the world a better place.  Some quotes that instill kindness, love and compassion in children. Below are motivational quotes that will encourage children to do well.

Motivational quotes

Abraham Lincoln

“Kindness is a powerful language that everyone can understand.”

Martin Luther King

“Even a small act can make a big difference.”

Saint Teresa

“Even small actions can change the world.”

Annie Tuttle

“Every smile is the beginning of a good deed.”


“Everything starts with kindness together.”

Jeffrey Chosh

“If one does no good, kindness will do good.”

Carl Young

“The kindness we give will come back to us.”

Henry James

“Kindness builds humanity.”

Anthony D. Storr

“A kind demeanor makes people look good in life.”

Arlie Shallow

“Kindness is the most powerful weapon in the world.”

Christy Brown

“Do something that will bring a smile to others’ faces.”

Jim Carrey

“Kindness actually makes the world a better place.”

Dale Carnegie

“It brings more happiness to give than to lose a good deed.”

Marilyn Monroe

“The way you speak, others will speak to you.”

David Christopher

“Love can change the world.”

Patrick Schlesing

“If someone smiles at you, smile back better.”

Elizabeth Hoss

“Do something good every day and your life will be beautiful.”

Marie Farlow

“Kindness is so important in life, keep your heart calm until it’s resolved.”

Josephine Cant

“It requires kindness not only in action, but also in attitude.”

Amy Xu

“Kindness cannot be compared to anything.”

Rosa Parks

“The more you help others, the more help you get.”

Allen Mitra

“Change the world with kindness.”

Dr. Henry Cleveland

“The amount of love we can give to others will never end.”

Bill Gates

“A little smile and kindness can change the world.”

Irina Green

“Give kindness to help all.”

Kerry Lynn

“Kindness is life’s greatest gift.”

Susan Dunn

“A little more kindness each day will fill our world with joy.”

Joel Shore

“You can change the world with one act of kindness in someone else’s life.”

William Shakespeare

“Your life will be beautiful with kindness.”

Rabindranath Tagore

“Everything begins with kindness.”

Jennifer Lopez

“Everyone can do something to make their life better.”

These were Acts of kindness quotes for kids, which kids can easily understand and apply in their lives.

Random Acts of Kindness Quotes for Kids

Random acts of kindness are important for instilling empathy, love, and human values ​​in children.  Random acts of kindness quotes for kids help to develop honest and kind attitude in their hearts.  When children do small things for others in their daily lives, they are happier themselves and contribute to a better world.  Here are inspirational kindness quotes for kids that will inspire them to do random acts of kindness.

Random Acts of Kindness Quotes for Kids:

The Dalai Lama

“Give a smile, you can change a world.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“It’s the little good deeds that make the world a better place.”


“True beauty is compassion and kindness.”

Bob Marley

“The more kindness you do, the happier you will be.”

Josh Buyan

“Random kindness changes the world.”

Bill Gates

“Do something good for others, it can be one of the most beautiful moments of your life.”

Angela Merkel

“Do something good every day, it changes your world.”

Ruiz Baltizer

“A good deed, a smile or an encouraging word — all change the chemistry.”

Olivia Newton-John

“Make the world around you more beautiful through humanity and compassion.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

“The best reward in life is helping others.”

Benjamin Franklin

“We can make a big difference in the world with small acts of kindness and compassion.”

Ellen DeGeneres

“Never give up, good deeds always come back.”

Linda McCartney

“Not only money, attitude and smile can fulfill everyone’s needs.”

Stephen Hawking

“You can change people’s lives in more ways than one.”

Kindness Quotes for Kids
Kindness Quotes for Kids

Mary Tiller Moore

“Helping others is a glorious thing to do every day.”

Frank Sinatra

“A little kindness changes the whole world.”

David Letterman

“Good deeds lead to good feelings.”

Aaron Samuels

“Random kindness is good not only for others, but also for yourself.”

Jessica Simpson

“Every kindness creates a new possibility.”

Bruce Springsteen

“Life is beautiful, but it is made true by kindness and love.”

Franklin Roosevelt

“Even simple actions can change a person’s day.”

Marie Curie

“A smile, a good deed, and a little kindness make the world a better place.”

Tom Hanks

“Your small act of kindness can make a huge difference in the lives of others.”

Michelle Obama

“How much kindness you can do in the world is a great achievement for you.”

Olivia Roth

“You can improve your attitude by doing good deeds.”

Adam Sandler

“Your little act of kindness can be a blessing in the lives of others.”

Elizabeth Q

“Start each day with kindness, and you’ll end up with something better.”

James Matthew Barry

“Compassion can change any situation.”

Mother Teresa

“Never accept that you are too small, your kindness can be too big.”

Deepak Chopra

“A good deed is never lost, it always comes back.”

Christopher Rev

“To change the world, change yourself.”

Carlynn Harper

“A beautiful day begins with doing something good for others.”

Martin Luther King Jr

“To do good in any corner of the world is to make the world better.”

Eileen Johnson

“A small good deed can be a big one to you.”

These are some Random acts of kindness quotes for kids, which will create the value of compassion in the minds of children and make them more kind and humane day by day.

Motivational Quotes for Kids About Kindness

Kindness and compassion are one of the most important elements in developing children’s minds. Motivational quotes for kids about kindness helps to inspire courage, love, and compassion in their lives. These quotes inspire them to be better people and improve their behavior. Below are some motivational quotes that teach children the value of compassion and love:

Motivational Quotes for Kids About Kindness:

Anne Frank

“Something has to be done to put a smile on other people’s faces.”

Dalai Lama

“Kindness makes the world a better place.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“What you give, you get back.”

Albert Einstein

“Don’t grow up, learn to be small, so that you can be kind.”

Mother Teresa

“A smile can change a person’s day.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“With kindness you can make room in people’s hearts.”

Martin Luther King Jr.

“When helping, never think of it as something small.”

William Shakespeare

“The most powerful languages ​​in the world are love and kindness.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Without kindness the world cannot survive a day.”

Oprah Winfrey

“The greatest gift in the world is to give a love.”

Albert Schweitzer

“The more good you do, the more good comes back to you.”

Mother Teresa

“Even a small act can have a big impact.”

Dr. Seuss

“Being good is more important than being smart.”

Helen Keller

“You can’t do anything alone, but whatever you can do, it can change the world.”

Mark Twain

“Kindness is a language that everyone understands.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Learn to be kind to others, for you must have peace in your heart.”

Harold S. Kushner

“Never underestimate anyone, being a good person is a big job.”

Robert Fulghum

“What you give, will improve your life.”

Charles Dickens

“One small act can change the world.”

Barack Obama

“What you do for others will boost your confidence.”

Albert Einstein

“The people you help will never forget you.”

Leo Buscaglia

“Any act of help and compassion will make your life better.”

Kindness Quotes for Kids
Kindness Quotes for Kids

Mahatma Gandhi

“Instilling kindness and love into people’s hearts is the greatest work.”

William Arthur Ward

“Kindness is a force that unites one another.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“A person who helps others is never alone.”


“Teach children, with kindness and love we can change the world.”

Harold Kushner

“The kinder you are, the more beautiful your life will be.”

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

“A small smile never lightens, it creates a great sympathy.”

Maya Angelou

“Even if a small act is constructive, it can have a huge impact.”

Martin Luther King Jr.

“He who loves, pleases.”

Barack Obama

“Try to do something kind every day, it will change your life.”

Leo Buscaglia

“Kindness and love are the greatest lessons.”

Through these quotes kids can learn kindness quotes for kids to be honest and compassionate in life. When they show love and kindness through small acts, the world will be a better place.

Cute Kindness Quotes for Kids: Fun and Inspirational

Fun and motivational kindness quotes for kids help them develop love and compassion in their hearts. These quotes will help them understand the value of kindness and good behavior in their daily life. Let’s have a look at some short and sweet quotes that will spread love and compassion in the hearts of children:

Fun and motivational kindness quotes for kids

Albert Einstein

“Spread a smile, the world will change.”

Oscar Wilde

“A small kindness can make a big difference.”

to the mother

“Do something good every day, others will like it.”

Emma Fox

“Kindness makes the world beautiful.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Helping others is our greatest happiness.”

Lewis Carroll

“The more kindness you give, the more love you get.”

Sidney Scott

“You need a little help to make the world beautiful.”

Peter Dinklage

“A smile can change the world.”

Martha St. Louis

“Kindness is not an act, it is part of our life.”

Sarah Phillips

“The more kindness you give, the more love you will receive.”

Maria Criss

“Making just one person laugh is a great achievement.”

Brian Sullivan

“Start the day with some good deeds.”

John Roeder

“A little kindness wins many hearts.”

David Henderson

“It’s not the big things, but the little things that make a big difference.”

Lee Gillum

“Small smile, big attitude.”

Carl Friedrich

“Love is the only way to make the world beautiful.”

Rachel Smith

“Giving the love of others is the key to receiving your own love.”

Tyler West

“Spread kindness in the world, it will make the world happy.”

Elizabeth Stewart

“Kindness has the power to change a world.”

Henry Ford

“Love ourselves as we love others.”

Sarah Lloyd

“Kindness, life’s priceless gift.”

John Mayer

“No deed is small, every good deed counts.”

Patrick Clarke

“A small act, but a big impact.”

Bob Henry

“Spread kindness in the world, have the power to make others smile.”

Mitchell Earl

“The world will be beautiful, if we help each other.”

Kindness Quotes for Kids
Kindness Quotes for Kids

Megan Taylor

“Parents, your kindness and love make the world beautiful.”

Elizabeth Ford

“Your smile can make others smile.”

Dennis Parris

“Kindness is the epitome of sympathy and friendship.”

Max Keith

“Just a moment of kindness can make a difference in many lives.”

Lisa Sanders

“The more you love, the more mercy you will receive.”

These were cute kindness quotes for kids that will motivate them. These quotes can be helpful for kids and will encourage them to spread kindness, love, and laughter among themselves.

Humorous quotes are about kindness to children

Kindness not only warms the heart, but sometimes it can also bring laughter and joy.  Humorous quotes can be very effective in teaching children the importance of kindness and compassion.  Here are some funny quotes that will instill in children the idea of ​​compassion and kindness:

Some funny quotes


“If you want to put a smile on your face, put a smile on other people’s faces.”


“Being kind is never funny, but some people find it fun!”


“A smile changes the world, can even put a smile on a mother’s face!”


“If you can be kind with a smile, you can make the world a better place!”


“Kindness works like magic, and laughter is its main ingredient!”


“When you laugh, the world laughs, when you are kind, everyone laughs!”


“Smile and give love to everyone, because laughter is incomplete without kindness!”


“Just as kindness brings a smile to the face, so does humor!”


“Kindness with humor, change the world together!”


“Big kindness, small smile—these are the best gifts!”


“Without kindness, the true power of humor will never emerge!”


“The kindness of humor should light up the world!”


“A smile and a sympathy together lead to true kindness!”


“Everything can be beautiful with children’s humor and kindness!”


“Smile and kindness are the best combo in the world!”


“If children smile and act compassionately, life will be joyful!”


“With humor, teach love and compassion!”


“The more you smile, the more you will be kind!”


“Kindness is like humor, sometimes too strong!”


“As the world is empty without laughter and kindness, so is our life!”


“If you walk with kindness and laughter, everyone will follow you!”


“Love never fails of a smile and a kindness!”


“Kindness with laughter, love with humor!”


“The world will be a better place if laughter and kindness go hand in hand!”

Kindness Quotes for Kids
Kindness Quotes for Kids


“Bring humor with kindness, cheer each other!”


“If you decorate life with humor and kindness, it will become incredibly beautiful!”


“Spread kindness, spread humor—the world will smile!”


“If you teach children to be kind, humor will only increase!”

These quotes can be very beneficial for children, as they contain a beautiful mix of humor and kindness. They will help build children’s attitudes and teach them how to simply express their kindness.

Positive Kindness Quotes for Kids

Here are positive kindness quotes for kids, which are useful for motivating and uplifting kids. These quotes are ideal for instilling empathy and kindness in children. These will have a positive impact on their lives, which they will easily realize.

Positive kindness quotes for kids

Annie Lamott

“Kindness is a powerful weapon that can change the world.”

The Dalai Lama

“A little smile makes the world beautiful.”

Leo Tolstoy

“The most beautiful language in the world is love and kindness.”

Helen Keller

“Alone it is difficult to do anything, but together everything is possible.”

Maya Angelou

“The more love you give, the more love you get.”

The Dalai Lama

“Spread kindness among all men.”

Jennifer Lopez

“Being able to help others is a great gift.”

Albert Einstein

“If you help, make yourself happy.”

Martin Luther King Jr

“Give love to others, more than you will receive.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“To love everyone should be our main goal.”

C. C. Tad

“Small kindnesses can make a big difference.”

Oscar Wilde

“When you are kind, your heart shines.”

John Lennon

“To make the world better, love is needed.”

William Shakespeare

“It’s not how good you are, it’s how kind you are.”

Maya Angelou

“The most necessary things in the world are love and kindness.”

Helen Keller

“One small act can make a big difference.”

Benedict Campbell

“Show kindness through your actions.”

Nelson Mandela

“Every little smile in the world makes the world beautiful.”

Winston Churchill

“Do good to others, and good will be done to you.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The best way to show love or kindness is to do it.”

Kelly Clarkson

“Our kindness makes the world happier and more beautiful.”

Cuban hooligans

“As you love someone, they will love you back.”


“To change the world, you must first change yourself.”

Kindness Quotes for Kids
Kindness Quotes for Kids

Lou Thurman

“Always try to help others, that’s the way to really change the world.”

Tempo Sun

“By loving the world, you can spread love to all.”

William Shakespeare

“Being able to put a smile on someone’s face is the best gift of your life.”

Mariah Carey

“A little kindness every day can make a big difference in the lives of others.”

Stephen Hawking

“Love others to feel loved.”

Mother Teresa

“Kindness is a language that every heart can hear.”

Nicholas Sparks

“When you are kind, you understand yourself better.”

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

“To change the world, we must change our minds.”

These are all kindness quotes for kids that teach them the power of compassion and make their lives more beautiful and white.

Combination of Respect and Kindness:  Respect and Kindness Quotes for Kids

Respect and kindness are closely related to each other. When a child learns respect, he knows how to be kind to others. Respect and kindness quotes for kids are helpful in developing these two qualities inside their mind. Such quotes teach children that respect and kindness can go hand in hand and that this can affect their daily lives.

Quotes Combining Respect and Kindness:

Mayor Angela

“Kindness is the first step to making the world beautiful.”

Leila Khan

“The more you respect, the more you will receive kindness.”

Humayun Ahmed

“If you are kind to everyone as you grow up, you will always be respected.”

Selina Akhter

“Respect and love for others is the beautiful mantra of life.”

Salma Begum

“You can change the world with kindness.”

Shah Rukh Khan

“Always show respect and kindness, because even a small act of yours can have a big impact.”

Razia Sultana

“Respect is a powerful gift, and kindness is the fulfillment of that gift.”

Tanya Munim

“Never belittle or despise others, for they are part of each other.”

Meera Rahman

“The more you love others, the more you will be loved back.”

Asma Siddiqui

“A smile or help softens another, it symbolizes kindness.”

Pramila Dev

“A child who respects others will never suffer in life.”

Tamannaah Khan

“Kindness and respect can never harm, rather it wins the heart of man.”

Fahmida Siraj

“A small act of kindness makes the world a better place.”

Ashraf Ali

“The more you respect, the more you will receive mercy.”

Nusrat Momin

“When children learn respect and kindness, they change the world.”

Jasmine Rahman

“To be respectful to others is to show kindness to them.”

Sohail Mia

“A small piece of kindness makes the world beautiful.”

Mahila Siddiqui

“If you want kindness and respect, show it first.”

Muhammad Ali

“Kindness and respect are two essential virtues, which form the foundation of humanity.”

Saleha Fatema

“To show respect and kindness to others is to love life.”

Hosne Ara

“Never look down on someone, show them kindness and respect.”

Mahbub Mimi

“Being respectful and kind to everyone brings success in your life.”

Saima Nasreen

“Doing something for others means showing them respect and kindness.”

Nasima Rashid

“When respect and kindness go hand in hand in life, world change is possible.”

Rahima Sultana

“Show respect and kindness, for they are a form of love.”

Tanya Chowdhury

“Doing small good deeds to others is also a great kindness.”

Nashiruddin Ahmed

“A little act of kindness makes the world beautiful.”

Musa Hossain

“The more you respect, the more kindness you receive.”

Rehana Ali

“Show respect and kindness by doing something good every day.”

Ruksana Begum

“Remember, respect and kindness complement each other.”

Fawzia Jahan

“Respect and kindness are the most powerful weapons in the world.”

Sumi Noor

“As you show respect, so you will receive kindness in return.”

Sadia Rahman

“Show kindness, it makes the world a better place.”

These are respect and kindness quotes for kids which are helpful in instilling respect and kindness in children.

Inspirational Quotes: About Kindness For Kids

Inspirational quotes for kids are a powerful way to instill love and compassion in their minds and hearts. Kindness can be a small act, but its impact can be huge. Here are some kindness quotes for kids that will help guide kids in the right direction.

Powerful kindness quotes for kids

Annie Robertson

“A small act makes a big difference.”

William Shakespeare

“The kindness you do will make your life better.”

The Dalai Lama

“Love and kindness are the only ways to make the world a better place.”

Martin Luther King

“There is nothing better than kindness, it always shows the right way.”

Mother Teresa

“May your smile be a kindness to others.”

Ashley Richards

“Give love and respect to everyone, because what you give comes back.”

The Dalai Lama

“When we help others, we love ourselves.”

John Lennon

“A small smile spreads happiness in everyone’s heart.”

Helen Keller

“A simple act can make many people happy.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The world would be empty without kindness.”

Mao Tse Tung

“To make the world beautiful, first make your mind and heart beautiful.”

John Fee

“With kindness in the heart, the world will be better.”

Mark Twain

“Kindness and love make people strong.”

Annie Lennox

“Kindness is a simple language that all people can understand.”


“Compassion and kindness to others soothes the heart.”

Barcot de var

“A smile can change the world.”

Paul Jackson

“What you give, will come back.”

Frederick Douglass

“The more you love others, the more beautiful your life will be.”

Henry Ford

“A small deed can put a smile on many people’s faces.”

Gilbert Keith Chesterton

“Kindness makes people sweeter.”

Richard Back

“The more you love, the more you will be loved.”

Mariah Carey

“Influence others with kindness, and you will feel the impact yourself.”

Alyssa Richards

“You can change the world by doing what you love.”

Orlando Bloom

“By helping others, you will find happiness in your own life.”

Ellen DeGeneres

“A small act of compassion can change the lives of many.”

Dennis O’Hare

“Kindness brings peace to the human heart.”

Simone de Beauvoir

“The more you love, the more you will receive kindness.”

Dorothy Thompson

“Kindness unites the world.”

Leo Tolstoy

“Just a simple smile can go a long way.”


“Kindness is a great gift to man.”

Joe Hoffman

“Spread kindness through small acts every day.”

Teri Collins

“Loving others is the easiest thing to do.”

Oscar Wilde

“The more you are kind, the more you learn.”

Benjamin Franklin

“Always speak with compassion.”

Rosemary Fu

“Kindness and love make the world a better place.”

These kindness quotes for kids highlight the importance of compassion for kids and create a path of kindness and bravery for them.  When they read these quotes, they will be able to feel the power of kindness and love in their lives.

Daily Kindness Quotes for Kids: For every day

Kindness quotes for everyday are very important to help plant the seeds of kindness in children. These quotes are helpful in reflecting kindness, respect and love in their small actions. Here are Kindness quotes for kids that will teach kids the importance of kindness and kindness every day:

Kindness quotes

Dalai Lama

“A smile can change the whole world.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Helping others gives you peace of mind.”

Anne Frank

“The more you show kindness to everyone, the more kindness will be returned.”


“As you treat others, so shall you be treated.”

Mother Teresa

“Do something good that brings a smile to someone’s face.”


“Kindness makes the world beautiful.”

Helen Keller

“If we help each other, the world will be a better place.”

Albert Einstein

“The easiest way to find peace of mind is to help others.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

“Kindness increases our humanity every day.”

Martin Luther King Jr.

“Kindness is the greatest power.”

Nelson Mandela

“Everyone deserves a little love and kindness.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Small things are enough to do big things.”

Maya Angelou

“Memory is the dearest gift, Kindness makes our life memorable.”

Walt Disney

“The more you help, the more you love.”

William Shakespeare

“Doing good every day cleanses the heart.”

Marcus Aurelius

“Be kind not only to others, but also to yourself.”

Victor Hugo

“Everything is better when we help each other.”

Leo Tolstoy

“One small act can change someone’s life.”

Mother Teresa

“The beauty of the world, the more people love each other.”

J.K. Rowling

“The more you are kind, the more the world will return.”

Brene Brown

“If you help others, it will change your life too.”

J.R.R. Tolkien

“Always keep an open mind to do something funny, because it can be an inspiration to others.”

C.S. Lewis

“Never take small actions for granted, for they can make a big impact.”

Oprah Winfrey

“Kindness is a powerful emotion that makes us more human.”

John Lennon

“Loving others is a way of coming to yourself.”

Audrey Hepburn

“A small smile can mean a lot.”

Fred Rogers

“Children can be the best teachers if they are shown kindness.”

Albert Schweitzer

“The purpose of life is to help others.”

Barack Obama

“Do something good every day, the world will be a better place.”

Mother Teresa

“Always remember, when you help others, you are helping yourself.”

Dalai Lama

“Kindness is a powerful influence that can change the world.”

Malala Yousafzai

“Let’s help each other, make the world better.”

These Kindness quotes for kids are a beautiful way to teach children the value of kindness and compassion. Reading these quotes every day will make them more kind and compassionate.

Short Kindness Quotes for Kids: Quick and Easy to Remember

Short kindness quotes for kids can be quotes that can easily be remembered by them and sow seeds of kindness and love in their hearts. Such quotes are simple, motivational and impressive. Let’s take a look at Kindness Quotes:

Short kindness quotes for kids

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Life is incomplete without kindness.”

Mother Teresa

“A small act can make a big difference.”

Albert Einstein

“Do something good every day.”


“Love everyone, your world will change.”

The Dalai Lama

“A little smile can change everything.”

Henry Ford

“Kindness is a powerful weapon.”

Emily Dickinson

“As much as ye give, so shall ye receive.”

Anne Frank

“A little love can make a big impact.”

Rose Paris

“Every day is a new opportunity.”

Will Rogers

“Doing something that puts a smile on other people’s faces.”


“The more compassion you give, the more you will receive.”

Martha Wheaton

“Kindness without love is incomplete.”

Michelle Obama

“One inspiring act changes the world.”

Richard Branson

“Your little act is enough to make the world more beautiful.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Kindness, compassion, and love make the world a better place.”

Genji Nakamura

“There is power in compassion.”

David Hawkins

“What you do, comes back.”

Tony Roberts

“No work is small if it is good for others.”

William Shakespeare

“A happy mind can change everything.”

Jim Rohn

“Welcome all, and they will welcome you.”

Charles Dickens

“Empathy is the sweetness of life.”

George Macdonald

“A small act of compassion can make a big difference.”

Martin Luther King Jr

“Mercy is no less.”

Victor Hugo

“A good deed encourages each other to do good.”

Benja Taylor

“Every smile can bring a new day.”

Theodore Roosevelt

“Your help can bring light to the lives of others.”

Annie Lennox

“Smile is just a way to show love to each other.”

William Watts

“Do something that will bring a smile to others’ faces.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt

“You have the power to change the world.”

Leo Tolstoy

“Through compassion man finds true peace.”

Orlie Gardner

“Never despair of small things, for small things make big things.”

Diana, Wales

“A few small acts of kindness can make your world a better place.”

All these quotes can be motivational for kids.  They are simple and easy to remember, which will make them aware of compassion and kindness. These kindness quotes are useful for kids to remember easily and help inculcate feelings of love, compassion and kindness in them.  These are capable of making small changes in their lives.

Kindness and Caring Quotes for Kids: The value of kindness and caring

Teaching kindness and care is important for children, as it sows the seeds of love and compassion in their hearts.  Here are 30 Kindness quotes for kids that will help teach kids love, compassion, and proper behavior.

Quotes About The Value Of Kindness And Caring:

Annie Rose

“The more you care for others, the more kindness you will receive.”

The Dalai Lama

“Kindness can change the world.”

Jane Smith

“With a smile you can brighten any day.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt

“Even if no one ever thanks you for your work, you know you did the right thing.”

Margaret Mead

“Kindness is a powerful thing. When it spreads, it makes the world a better place.”

Albert Einstein

“There is a kindness in everyone, you just have to find it.”

Kelly Hanson

“The more kindness you do, the more fulfilling your life will be.”

Henry Ford

“Teaching children how to care for each other is the best education for their future.”

Jennifer Samson

“Kindness is not just an act, it’s an attitude.”

Martin Luther King

“Never too late to show compassion to others.”

Brenda Verne

“True beauty is having care and love in your heart.”

John Ellis

“The more kindness you do to others, the happier your life will be.”

Jessica Lee

“Put a smile on your face, and a sparkle of care in your eyes.”

Alicia Kipp

“The more you love, the calmer your heart will be.”

Thomas Jefferson

“It is our duty to teach children love and compassion.”

Melissa Hopkins

“You can do something small, but don’t do it for a day.”

Patrick Henry

“Your small actions can make a big difference for others.”

Thomas Watson

“We’re all there for each other, that’s what life is all about.”

Sara Lee

“We must have care and compassion in our hearts, to make the world a better place.”

Nicholas Meth

“Influence children with love and compassion.”

Laura Smith

“Kindness brings peace not only to others, but also to ourselves.”

Paul McCord

“Peace, kindness, and love can change our world.”

Robert Timms

“It is kindness to stand by others and help them. You can grow through it.”

Michael Jones

“Kids should be taught kindness, love, and a kind attitude, because it will guide them in the future.”

Pamela Brown

“Every good deed will bring you happiness.”

Hansel Ritchie

“It’s the little things that change the world. Please.”

Dennis Haley

“Kindness lights up a world.”

Sara Knowlson

“The more you do for others, the more you can influence them.”

Robert Hampton

“If you help others, they will want to help more.”

Elena Wallace

“It is only through love and compassion that we can influence each other.”

Tommy Allen

“With a simple smile and kindness you can make everyone feel loved.”

All these quotes are suitable for children, helping to instill in them a sense of kindness and compassion. By using them in everyday life, they can make the world more beautiful.

Best Kindness Quotes for Kids

Kindness and empathy are very important for children. Best Kindness quotes for kids play a special role in helping them shape their attitude, accept life beautifully and be kind to others. Here are some of the best kindness quotes for kids, which will help shape their mindset and behavior.

Best Kindness Quotes for Kids

Albert Einstein

“What you give, you get back.”

Mark Twain

“Kindness is the most powerful language in the world.”


“A smile can change the world.”

Laura Stein

“To be happy in memory we must make others happy.”

Michelle Webb

“Empathy is something we must all learn continuously.”

Louise Hay

“Helping others requires compassion first.”

Cesar Chavez

“The more you help others, the more happiness you will feel in your heart.”

Richard Branson

“Even a small act can make a big difference in someone’s life.”

Tron in Cecilia

“You must learn to respect yourself before you can be kind.”

Bill Gates

“Making others happy is a powerful habit.”

Anne Frank

“Being kind makes you happy.”

The Dalai Lama

“The more you love, the more kindness you feel.”

Jennifer Lopez

“Always be kind, never wrong.”

Alison Saddle

“Even a small good deed can have a big consequence.”


“Peace of mind comes only through kindness and love.”

James Cameron

“Whatever you do, do it with kindness, because kindness can change the world.”

Harry Potter

“Every act, no matter how small, if it is kind, is a great thing.”

Ellen DeGeneres

“Kindness is the most beautiful quality in us.”

Samuel Richardson

“You must learn to be kind and loving, or the world will never change.”

Dr. Martin Luther King

“The more you help, the more peace you will feel in your heart.”

Will Rogers

“Kindness is not only good for others, it is also good for oneself.”

Marie Curie

“Kindness is not just a word, it is a powerful deed.”

Pope Frank

“The world can be changed with love and kindness.”

Steve Martin

“A small smile can give people a big gift.”

Judy Bloom

“The more you love, the happier you will be.”


“Kindness is our greatest strength.”

Oscar Wilde

“Do good not only for yourself, but also for others.”

Marilyn Monroe

“Putting smiles on other people’s faces is a wonderful habit.”

William Shakespeare

“It is our duty to make life easier for others.”

Benedict Cumberbatch

“A small kindness can change the world.”

Sara Jane

“Kindness makes people strong and prosperous.”

Rosalind Williams

“A smile, a love, a kindness—these make the world beautiful.”

Winston Churchill

“By giving kindness you make your creation beautiful.”

Best Kindness Quotes for Kids can play an important role in shaping their future. These quotes teach them how to make the world a better place with kindness, respect and compassion. When children understand and apply these sayings in their own lives, they not only find love for themselves, but also make the world a better place.


Teaching kindness and love to children is very important. Kindness quotes for kids help to shape the attitude of children and instill in them a sense of compassion and respect.  Simple kindness quotes for kids are very useful because they are simple and motivational. If children read acts of kindness quotes for kids every day, there is a high possibility of increasing love and kindness in them. Love and kindness quotes for kids teach children that the more love they show, the more love they will receive. Random acts of kindness quotes for kids remind kids how important it is to help each other every day.

If you use cute kindness quotes for kids, happiness and kindness will spread in the minds of children. Positive kindness quotes for kids will help them develop compassion and kindness in their lives. Such short kindness quotes for kids will teach them more easily. Ultimately, kindness and caring quotes for kids will help them develop the right attitude, which will make them a beautiful person later in life.


Kindness quotes for kids: Why is it important?  

Kindness quotes for kids sow the seeds of compassion and love in their hearts. These guide them to good behavior and righteous path.

What are some kindness quotes for kids?  

Simple and motivating. Kindness quotes for kids Simple quotes that can be motivating for kids: “A little smile can change everything.”

Acts of kindness quotes for kids: What is the power of compassion?  

Acts of kindness quotes for kids such as: “Small acts make a big difference,” teach children that they can help each other.

Love and kindness quotes for kids: The importance of teaching love and kindness.  Love and kindness are the only ways to make the world a better place. These kinds of Love and kindness quotes for kids have a deep impact on their minds.

Random acts of kindness quotes for kids: How can children be kind?  

Do something that brings a smile to others’ faces. Random acts of kindness quotes for kids remind them that a little kindness can make a big impact.

Cute kindness quotes for kids: What are cute quotes for motivation?  

A smile changes the world. Such Cute kindness quotes for kids are helpful in spreading kindness and laughter in their small deeds.

Positive kindness quotes for kids: What are Ways to build confidence? 

Positive kindness quotes for kids such as: “Helping others will make you feel better. It is important for children.

What are respect and kindness quotes for kids?

The relationship between respect and compassion. The more you respect, the more you will receive mercy. Such Respect and kindness quotes for kids help them develop the right attitude.

Daily kindness quotes for kids: How to get good quotes for every day? 

Daily kindness quotes for kids such as: “Do something good every day,” which advises them to do kindness and good deeds every day.

Quotes for kids about kindness: How to say kindness? 

Life is incomplete without kindness. Quotes for kids about kindness can have a deep impact on children’s minds.

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