800+ Protect your peace quotes: powerful quotes to defend


Defend your peace. This is a very important matter. Without peace, life becomes difficult.  Many things happen around us, which can disturb our peace. Therefore, maintaining peace is an important task in our lives. There are some simple steps we can take to keep the peace. These steps help us maintain mental and physical health. There are many popular quotes on keeping peace, which can inspire us. The quote “Keep your peace” reminds us to keep your peace. By keeping peace, we can be happy, calm and healthy.  Therefore, from today we must be aware to protect our peace. Find some time for peace and bring peace into your life.Keeping your peace is very important. Keep your peace” – This protect your peace quotes reminds us, keeping peace is very important for us. There may be many problems or pressures in life, but if our peace is secure, we can deal with them better. Various quotes such as, “Keep your peace at all times” and “Keep your peace,” teach us how we can maintain our peace of mind. Keeping peace is good for our physical and mental well-being. Through this we can be strong, happy and calm. No matter how stressful or complicated life gets, protect your peace quotes like “Keep the peace” help us get through life’s turmoil.

Table of Contents

Necessity to preserve peace

You need to protect your peace, as it ensures your mental peace and emotional health.  Keeping peace means having a sense of peace within yourself. When your peace is secure, you can better handle life’s challenges. It helps you maintain physical and mental well-being, and is a key ingredient to living a happy life.

Protect Your Peace Quotes

Trent Shelton

“Keeping peace is a gift you can give yourself.”

Lalah Delia

“Your peace is your best asset. Protect it.”

Brene Brown

“Never compromise your confidence to keep the peace.”

Arianna Huffington

“Peace is the only power that helps you stay calm in any situation.”

Maya Angelou

“When you keep your peace, you make your life happier and more fulfilling.”

Dalai Lama

“When you are at peace, you can make peace with others.”

Wayne Dyer

“Keeping your peace is as important as keeping your strength.”

Eckhart Tolle

“Keeping peace means directing your emotions in the right direction.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Seeking peace and keeping peace are two very different things.”

Oprah Winfrey

“Don’t let others affect your peace.”

Deepak Chopra

“The first step towards peace is to be at peace.”


“To keep peace you must listen to your inner voice.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

“Only by keeping peace can you face all the challenges of life.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Keep your peace, or the world cannot keep you.”

Nelson Mandela

“Peace is an inner strength, which should never be lost.”

Martin Luther King Jr.

“Peace is an attitude, it must be within you.”


“Your peace depends on what you think, what you feel, and what you do.”

Iyanla Vanzant

“Whoever wants to take away your peace, keep him out of your life.”


“In keeping your peace you become responsible for your own peace.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Keeping your peace gives you the strength to give peace to others.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Never sell your peace to anyone.”

Protect your peace quotes
Protect your peace quotes

Brene Brown

“Peace is a path, specific to you.”

Desmond Tutu

“When you learn to keep peace, life becomes easier.”

Dalai Lama

“Peace is the kind of strength that will help you overcome all adversity.”

Trent Shelton

“Keeping peace means finding your confidence.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Peace is the only way, through which you can change the world.”

Maya Angelou

“Never lose your peace, for it is the root of your peace.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

“Keeping peace can make the world a better place.”

Brene Brown

“Keep calm, for it is the key to your success.”


“Your peace is a precious jewel, which you must never lose.”

Deepak Chopra

“Keep your peace, for it is the most precious treasure of your life.”

Oprah Winfrey

“Keeping peace means being honest with yourself.”

Necessity to preserve peace. You need to protect your peace, as it ensures your mental peace and emotional health. Keeping peace means having a sense of peace within yourself.

Defend Your Peace: Teaching Quotes from Trent Shelton

Trent Shelton talks a lot about the importance of peace in his quotes. According to him, keeping peace is the greatest achievement.  He has some brilliant comments on how peace is a priceless gift in our lives and how to protect it. Through these quotes we can learn how to maintain peace and protect it from various stresses of life. These Trent Shelton quotes are inspiration for all of us.

Keep the Peace: protect your peace quotes

Trent Shelton

“Keeping peace is the most important thing in your life.”

Matthew 16:26

“If you lose peace you lose nothing, but if you regain peace you gain everything back.”

Gali Gifford

“Peace is the greatest power you can create within yourself.”

Abraham Lincoln

“Peace is not a state of mind, but a decision you make.”

Henry David Thoreau

“Keep peace as much as possible, because peace makes life beautiful.”

Sara Ban Brithon

“Keeping peace is the greatest commitment in life.”

Rana Hamid

“Your peace does not depend on any one situation, it depends only on your attitude.”

Lao Tu

“Keep your peace, the world will take nothing from you.”

Christy Thomas

“Guard your peace, for it ensures your well-being.”

Sylvia Plath

“Keep the peace and take life easy.”

John Lennon

“To keep peace, be around peaceful people.”

Lisa Nichols

“To keep the peace, take some people out of life.”

Allen Watts

“You cannot keep your peace if you sell your peace for others.”

Humayun Ahmed

“Peace is not to give up enemies, but to be strong with one’s own power.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“If you want peace, make peace.”

Louise Hay

“Peace should never be sought in external environments, peace only comes from within.”

Protect your peace quotes
Protect your peace quotes

Dennis Oldham

“To keep peace is to be confident, and at one with yourself.”

Elliot Hoskin

“After keeping the peace, everything else falls short.”

Lee Kishan

“Peace is steadfastness in turmoil.”

Greg McCowan

“Keep your peace, for it is the beginning of your success.”

William Shakespeare

“The only important thing in life is to keep the peace.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“If you don’t keep the peace, you can lose your peace.”

Emily Dickinson

“Take pains to maintain peace and tranquility, or your life will be turbulent.”

Linda Hamilton

“Keep peace, and your life will be successful.”

Paul Nicholas

“Peace is with you, but if you leave it, you get nothing.”

Rosie Paris

“To keep peace is to ensure the security of one’s life.”

Samuel George

“To keep your peace, you learn to be alone sometimes.”

Harold Francis

“Keep peace, for it is your only salvation.”

Patrick Henry

“No matter how turbulent, keeping peace is the greatest achievement.”

Edward Fitzgerald

“Peace is precious, and must be protected.”

Richard Simmons

“Keeping peace is a process of building strength within yourself.”

Nikola Tesla

“Peace leaves the enemy behind, you move on.”

Dennis Hess

“Whatever turmoil comes, learn to keep the peace.”

Defend Your Peace: Teaching protect your peace quotes from Trent shelton. Trent Shelton talks a lot about the importance of peace in his quotes. According to him, keeping peace is the greatest achievement.

Quotes that protect your peace and strength

The connection between strength and peace is very important. By preserving your peace, you preserve your energy. No matter how complicated life is, building a strong relationship between peace and strength is essential. Here are peace and strength quotes that will help you stay calm.

Strength protect your peace quotes

Trent Shelton

“By keeping peace, you keep your energy healthy and strong.”


“Keep your peace, for it is the root of your life’s strength.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“He who rests in peace, his strength is not affected by anything.”

The Dalai Lama

“Peace is the source of strength, it directs your life.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Keep your peace, for your strength comes from your peace.”

Eckhart Tolle

“The relationship of strength and peace is an immortal bond, which will help you overcome all obstacles.”

Deepak Chopra

“Keeping your peace is a deeply spiritual act.”

Oprah Winfrey

“Keep calm, your strength increases when you are calm.”

Tony Robbins

“The more you keep the peace, the more your power grows.”

Steve Maraboli

“Your peace is the root of your strength; keep it, and your strength will always be with you.”

Maya Angelou

“The relationship between peace and power is priceless; if there is peace, power always exists.”

J.K. Rowling

“Without peace, there is no point in having power.”

Nelson Mandela

“Peace enlivens your life, fills it with energy.”

Wayne Dyer

“In peace there is strength, and in strength there is peace.”

Iyanla Vanzant

“When you keep your peace, you will also be strong.”

Protect your peace quotes
Protect your peace quotes

Mahatma Gandhi

“By being a keeper of peace you can be a keeper of strength.”

John Lennon

“Peacekeeping is the path of strength.”


“Peace and strength support each other.”

Albert Einstein

“Peacekeeping is essential to power.”

Brene Brown

“Hold your peace, and you will feel overwhelming power.”

Wayne Dyer

“The more peace there is, the more power there is.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

“Your strength is given full force by keeping your peace.”

Barack Obama

“Keeping peace is gaining strength.”

Victor Hugo

“Strength thrives in peace.”

Jim Rohn

“Keeping peace increases strength.”

Paulo Coelho

“Strength is lost without peace.”


“Peace is the key to your strength.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Keep your peace, you will always be strong.”

Terry Crews

“Keep the peace and find the inspiration of strength.”

Zig Ziglar

“Strength and peace support each other, they are indispensable to each other.”

Louise Hay

“Keeping peace will never exhaust your strength.”

George Washington

“Prosperity of power is possible only through preservation of peace.”

These protect your peace quotes will help you establish a relationship of peace and strength in your life, which is essential for your mental and physical well-being.

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Preserving Peace: Quotations from Ancient Scriptures

The importance of peace is mentioned many times in the Bible and other scriptures. It helps us maintain balance between psychological peace and the external environment. Here are some powerful quotes that can help you keep your peace:

Powerful Protect Protect your peace quotes

Rabindranath Tagore

“Keep your peace, for it is essential to your physical and mental well-being.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Peace comes through peace, and through peace you find true happiness.”

Swami Vivekananda

“Be at peace, for peace leads to fullness of life.”


“Keep your peace, for peace is your most precious possession.”


“Peace broadens your vision and mind, which gives you a beautiful life.”

John Locke

“Keeping peace is the best action in life.”

Frederick below

“Keep your peace, for peace guides you in the right way.”

Olympia de Gauss

“Peace is strength, which helps to cope with any situation.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt

“Peace comes from peace in your heart, so be at peace with everyone.”

Albert Einstein

“If you want peace, you must first preserve your peace.”

Anne Frank

“Peace is an underlying feeling that helps us stay well.”

James Allen

“Keep peace, for through peace your vision is clear.”

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

“Peacekeeping is an art, it is the ability to possess a peaceful mind.”

Mary Louise Guild

“Keep calm, because it gives you a chance to know yourself.”

Dale Carnegie

“Keep your peace, for peace makes you strong and faithful.”

Deepak Chopra

“Keep peace, by it you may be happy and successful.”

Malala Yousafzai

“Keeping peace means respecting life.”

Tony Robbins

“Build your life not by peace of mind, but by inner peace.”


“Finding peace is an effort that helps you enjoy everyday life.”

Michelle Obama

“Keep your peace, that you may prosper from everything in life.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“Keeping peace is a lasting achievement, which is respect for life.”

Rolf Dobell

“Keeping peace comes from creating harmony with your own being.”

Helen Keller

“Keeping peace means showing compassion to others.”


“Keeping peace is our heart’s work, which becomes our daily life.”

Gary Chapman

“To keep your peace, you must first love yourself.”

Martin Luther King Jr

“To keep peace is to experience the true beauty of life.”

Paulo Coelho

“Peace must be maintained, for it releases the power within us.”

Chao Yang

“Peace resides in our own lives and relationships.”

Haribabu Shrimala

“Keep your peace, for peace keeps your thoughts and heart steady.”

Protect your peace quotes
Protect your peace quotes

Brene Brown

“Keeping the peace is our duty, and this duty must be fulfilled.”

The Dalai Lama

“Keeping peace is through love, compassion and forgiveness.”

Victor Franklin

“Keep your peace, for peace makes a right way of life.”


“Keeping peace is the most important habit in life.”

Nelson Mandela

“Keeping peace means loving yourself and loving others.”

St. Augustine

“Keeping peace allows you to enjoy your life more beautifully.”

The importance of peace is mentioned many times in the Bible and other scriptures.  It helps us maintain balance between psychological peace and the external environment.

Preserving Peace: Quotations from Ancient Scriptures

Social media and Instagram quotes in protection of peace. Peace quotes are popular on Instagram and other social media platforms. These can help people maintain peace of mind.  Such quotes are very important to bring calmness and stability deep in the human mind. Below are some specific “Protect Your Peace” quotes and their authors that are trending on social media.

Specific Protect your peace quotes

Trent Shelton

“Keep peace, and nothing can disturb you.”

Lalah Delia

“Keep your peace, because you deserve it.”


“Keeping the peace is your main job.”

Iyanla Vanzant

“When you keep your peace, you regain your strength.”

Mandy Hale

“May your peace come first.”

Wayne Dyer

“Peace is your rightful right.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“To preserve peace is to preserve one’s love.”

Joel Osteen

“Don’t worry about what others are telling you. Keep your peace.”

Oprah Winfrey

“Peacekeeping is the most powerful weapon in the world.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Let your peace be with you, for it will guide you in the right way.”

Dalai Lama

“When you are at peace, you can give peace to others.”

Eckhart Tolle

“Peacekeeping is the path of inner strength.”

Zig Ziglar

“Whenever turmoil comes, keep your peace.”

Deepak Chopra

“Find peace and it will come into your life.”

Joyce Meyer

“Get rid of all the negativity in your life for peace.”

Brene Brown

“Your peace can only be managed by you.”

Maya Angelou

“Keeping peace means respecting yourself.”

Lao Tzu

“Peace is within you. Protect it.”

Wayne Dyer

“To keep the peace, you have to get rid of excess pressure.”

Albert Einstein

“Peace is your life force. Don’t lose it.”


“Avoid being robbed of your peace.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

“Peace is in your consciousness, just realize it.”

T.D. Jakes

“Keep your peace, that is your strength.”

Tony Robbins

“Whenever you lose your peace, act quickly to regain it.”

Marianne Williamson

“To keep the peace you have to be aware of your situation.”

Hassan Ali

“Lose everything for peace, but lose nothing for peace.”

Amit Ray

“Peace is only in your hands.”

Lena Horne

“Be at peace as much as possible, when you are at peace, everything around you will be at peace.”

John Lennon

“There is no explanation for peace, just feel it.”


“Don’t let anyone invade your peace and strength.”

Barack Obama

“Peace is a force that can change the world.”

Martha Beck

“Know yourself and respect your feelings to keep the peace.”

These peace protect your peace quotes are available on social media and people follow them to help them maintain peace in their daily life. Through these quotes they can realize the importance of maintaining peace in their life and it helps them to maintain peace of time..

Important Steps to Protect Your Peace

Give yourself time. Take some time for yourself, so you can be alone with yourself and calm your mind.  At the end of the day, finding peace requires taking care of yourself.

Stay away from negativity. Stay away from negative thoughts and people, who destroy your peace.  Keeping ourselves free from negativity leads to peace.

Love yourself. Showing love and respect to yourself is very important. When you love yourself, you will feel peace and happiness.

Maintain relationships with the right people. Be in a relationship with people who support you, love you and help you keep your peace.  Good relationships are the key to peace.

Inspirational Quotes to Keep Peace

Rabindranath Tagore

“Peace is stillness of heart and composure.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“True peace comes when we accept ourselves peacefully.”

Albert Einstein

“Finding inner peace is the greatest achievement in life.”

Anne Frank

“To make peace you must first keep yourself calm.”

Sawa Siki

“Peace in peace, wrath in wrath.”

Herbert Spencer

“The most peace you can find is peace in your own mind.”

Matto Dittl

“Peace is never dependent on external circumstances, it is a state of the heart.”

Stephen Covey

“Peace is the ability to control one’s life.”


“If you want peace, find it within yourself.”

The Dalai Lama

“Peace is a feeling that allows you to live, no matter how difficult the situation you find yourself.”

Protect your peace quotes
Protect your peace quotes

Martin Luther King Jr

“Not to seek peace, but to create peace.”

William Shakespeare

“When a man is calm, he can see everything clearly.”

Henry Ford

“Peace is like breath for your mind, when you are calm, life is easy.”

Ernest Hemingway

“Peace is as deep as the sea, the deeper we dive, the more peace we find.”

John Lennon

“Peace is a kind of power, which helps to overcome turmoil.”

Ekhart Tolle

“Peace is an inner journey, the outer world reflects it.”

George Machiavelli

“When you are calm, others understand you better.”

Marie Curie

“Peace is not losing something, but gaining something in yourself.”

Theodore Roosevelt

“Peace is the result of confidence.”

The Dalai Lama

“Peace within is never affected by external circumstances.”

Henry David Thoreau

“Peace is an inner state, which you can bring from your mind.”

Jim Rohn

“No matter how difficult the situation, the ability to remain calm makes you stronger.”

Paul Cohen

“First keep yourself calm, then the outside world will be calm.”

Bertrand Russell

“Peace is not just being silent, it is maintaining peace of mind.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

“The feeling of peace is the most beautiful feeling in life.”

Robin Sharma

“There is peace when you know that your mind is at rest above all else.”

Victor Hugo

“Peace is a powerful defense against life.”

Lu Sihu

“Cultivate peace, when you are calm, your surroundings will be calm.”


“Peace is a deep feeling that fills the human mind and soul.”

George Harrison

“True peace comes from within, the outside world is only a reflection of it.”

Olivia Lamb

“Peace is the greatest force that keeps the world stable.”

Henry Thornd

“Peace is not only the result of external circumstances, it is also the attitude of a person.”

Maria Rader

“Peace is not suffering, but choosing to be calm.”

Tao Ching

“There is power in peace, it can affect everyone around you.”

David Shore

“When you are calm, you can take the next steps in life more easily.”

Albert Einstein

“Peace is an inner peaceful state, free from everything external.”

Johanna Rose

“If you are at peace, life will be easy for you.”

Lao Tzu

“Keep your peace, for it is the treasure of your peace.”

Henry David Thoreau

“Keep as calm as you can, nothing matters.”

Mellie Gray

“Peace is not just a feeling, it’s a choice.”

George Samuel

“Peace is to be earned, it’s not just found.”

Martin Luther King Jr

“When you keep your peace, you lead the world to peace.”

The Dalai Lama

“Everyone should learn to keep their own peace.”

Michael Jackson

“Peace is the choice to come to terms with yourself.”


“Never put your peace under someone else’s control.”

Emma Watson

“Peace is a kind of energy, which helps you express yourself.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Peace is the fundamental right of every human being.”

Anna Quindlen

“The more you are at peace, the more you feel true power.”

Richard Bach

“You will find yourself in peace, not in turmoil.”

Bill Gates

“To achieve peace you must keep peace.”

Henry Ford

“Keep your peace and enjoy the day in its sweetness.”

Albert Einstein

“If you have peace, you can change the world.”

Bella Thorne

“Peace is not compromise, it is peace of mind.”

Protect your peace quotes
Protect your peace quotes

Sonia Rats

“True peace comes from within.”

Frances de Lessel

“Achieving your own peace is the most important thing.”

William Shakespeare

“Walking the path of peace is learning peace.”

Laura Ingalls Wilder

“Peace changes not only people but the world as a whole.”

Michael Flynn

“Peace is the symbol of confidence.”

Carly Clauson

“You have to make tough decisions to keep your peace.”

Tina Fey

“Peace is the fruit of peace of mind and soul.”


“The more peaceful you are, the more you enjoy life.”


“Keep your peace, for it is the reason you exist on earth.”

Jay Cole

“To attain peace one must first make peace with oneself.”

Queen Latifah

“Your peace is your most valuable asset.”

Nelson Mandela

“When you are at peace, the world will be at peace.”

Michael Jordan

“It takes courage and confidence to keep peace.”

Mycroft David

“By gaining peace, you will find yourself stronger.”

Lily Collins

“Your strength lies in keeping your peace.”

Deepak Chopra

“When you keep your peace, the world finds peace.”

Anna Hass

“Keep your peace, or no one can give it to you.”

Jennifer Lopez

“Peace comes when you start loving and respecting yourself.”

 Keeping peace is a mental process, and quotes can help us create a sense of peace in our minds. We often take the help of quotes for deep thought and motivation to get rid of life’s stress, conflict and anxiety. Some powerful protect your peace quotes inspire us to keep calm and help create a sense of peace in the mind.

Protecting and maintaining your peace is an important aspect of life. It can be difficult to get rid of the various challenges, stress, and emotional turmoil in life, but these quotes will guide you to keep your peace. Quotes are not only a form of inspiration but can also help keep your mind calm, peaceful and healthy.  These quotes will help you understand that achieving and maintaining peace can be the most valuable asset in your life. Through these you can keep your mind healthy and enjoy every moment of life happily.

These protect your peace quotes will help guide your daily life towards peace and give you the strength to protect your peace above all else.

Some mental strategies to keep your peace of mind

It is important to obey your own state of mind for peace. You can maintain your peace by using some techniques like meditation, natural scenery. These techniques will help bring you peace of mind.

Quotes to Keep Your Peace of Mind


“Your peace is everything.”

Martin Luther King

“When you are calm, you become the best version of yourself.”

The Dalai Lama

“You can find peace within yourself, but it depends on your mindset.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Learn from peace, and be still.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Finding inner peace requires patience.”


“Peace is the soundness of the soul.”

Theodore Roosevelt

“Sometimes you need to step away to keep your peace.”

Virji Ramachandran

“We can learn to find our own peace by being utterly destitute.”

Marie Curie

“When you are at peace, the world will be at peace.”

Marcus Aurelius

“Peace comes from your own strength.”


“Control your thoughts to preserve your peace.”


“The more peace comes to your mind, the more you understand the pace of life.”


“Enjoy life’s little moments with your partner for peace.”

Albert Einstein

“Peace calms the mind and lights the world.”


“One’s peace rests only in one’s own hands, no one else can give it.”

Rosemary Williams

“Prayer is an ancient technique for maintaining peace.”

Alice Walker

“Nature restores peace, soothes the mind.”

Sukumar Roy

“For peace one must control one’s mind.”

John Rushkin

“It is important to live a life of your own choosing for peace.”

Henry David Thoreau

“A calm mind can see the world in a new light.”

Allen Watts

“Peace requires being happy in the little moments.”

Lao Tzu

“To achieve peace you must first learn to be calm.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

“Only you can keep your own peace.”

Terry Goodkin

“Without peace, the world becomes dark.”

Emily Dickinson

“Peace requires patience.”

Charlotte Brontë

“Your peace gives you a new life.”

Carl Gustav Jung

“Peace means calming the war within yourself.”

Woody Allen

“To attain peace it is necessary to control one’s thoughts.”

Helen Keller

“Peace is harmony of mind and body.”

Jean Paul

“Peace doesn’t just come from the external environment, it comes from your very heart.”

Protect your peace quotes
Protect your peace quotes

Henry Weed

“Peace sometimes requires some distance from life.”

David Hume

“To attain peace is to accept oneself completely.”

George Eliot

“Concentration of the mind is very important for peace.”

Michel de Montaigne

“To attain peace one must control one’s will.”

These protect your peace quotes bring out the important aspects of maintaining peace and tranquility and reflect the philosophies and thoughts of various founders.

Peacekeeping and happiness: the relationship between the two

If you can keep your peace, you can be happy. A sense of happiness is incomplete without peace. Being at peace means keeping yourself mentally and spiritually pure. Where there is peace, there will be happiness. This relationship plays an important role in our life.  By maintaining peace, one feels a kind of spiritual fulfillment that is the key to happiness. Keep the peace, be happy

Below are motivational quotes on maintaining peace and happy relationships, which will set you on the path to peace of mind and happiness:

Motivational protect your peace quotes

The Dalai Lama

“Peace is a greater achievement than success.”

Deepak Chopra

“Keep your peace, for it is the main source of your confidence and happiness.”

Mother Teresa

“Peace and happiness support each other.”


“Maintain as much peace as possible, for in that peace lies all happiness.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“When peace comes, you find true happiness in life.”

Yuan Qiu

“In peace you find the best version of yourself.”

Lao Tzu

“In order to have peace, you must first bring peace within yourself.”

Martin Luther King Jr

“Peace is the most important value of human life.”

Henry David Thoreau

“Peace is within, not without.”

Archbishop Desmond Tutu

“Without peace, happiness can never be worthwhile.”

Elizabeth Kubler Ross

“In peace lies the secret of happiness.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

“Keeping peace, the real secret of peace in life.”

Rabindranath Tagore

“Maintain peace as much as possible, as this will ensure your peace of mind.”

Albert Einstein

“The bond of happiness with peace is inseparable.”

Meghan Markle

“Keep your peace, happiness will follow you.”


“To be at peace with others, it is necessary to be at peace with oneself.”

Bert Helling

“Peace is an internal process that affects our external happiness.”

Selena Gomez

“In peace you will find love and happiness.”

Gary Jenkins

“By maintaining peace, happiness will also flow into your life.”

William Shakespeare

“Peace is the path to happiness, where there is peace, there is happiness.”

David Washington

“Being at peace means being confident and healthy.”

Romeo Lopez

“The more calm you are, the happier you will be.”

Hillary Clinton

“The more peaceful you are, the happier you will be in life.”

William Blake

“Peace is the root of all happiness.”

Derek Jones

“Where there is peace, happiness will flourish.”

Linda Mattson

“Finding happiness in peace is the most beautiful experience.”

Mary Rose

“Keeping your peace is the key to the greatest happiness.”

Carl Rogers

“The more peaceful you are, the happier you will be.”

Hans Georg Gadamer

“Peace and happiness go hand in hand.”

Patrick Moore

“With peace comes happiness.”

Daniel Campbell

“The more peace you maintain, the more happiness will come into your life.”

William Wilberforce

“There is a strong correlation between peace and happiness.”

Rachel Carson

“The feeling of happiness is incomplete without peace.”

Lucy French

“In peace you will find true happiness.”

Peace and happiness are part of each other.  When we maintain peace, we experience true happiness in life. Completeness of happiness is incomplete without peace. So, it is important to maintain peace in daily life, which brings us a new direction in life and experiences happiness.

Important Bible Quotes for Keeping Peace

Keeping peace is an important issue in our lives, which is also mentioned in the Bible in various places. Here are powerful Bible quotes that will help us understand our responsibility and value towards peace.

Powerful bible protect your peace quotes

Bible, Isaiah 26:3

“Keep your peace, for God is there.”

1 Corinthians 14:33

“God is the author of our peace.”

John 14:27

“You are my peace, I am your peace.”

Philippians 4:7

“God will grant you peace.”

Colossians 3:15

“You shall honor God through peace.”

Psalm 4:8

“God is the virgin of peace.”

Romans 12:18

“Peace in the midst of turmoil, divine peace that will fill your life.”

1 Thessalonians 5:23

“Obey God’s rule to attain peace.”

John 16:33

“Peace be with you.”

Galatians 5:22

“God dwells in us with whom we shall have peace.”

1 Peter 3:11

“Peace in love, which will help keep God in sight.”

Matthew 5:9

“Keep your hearts calm, for the peace of God will be with you.”

 Here are some more quotes:

Hebrews 12:14

“The will of God dwelleth in peace.”

Philippians 4:7

“By the peace of God you shall be healed.”

2 Corinthians 13:11

“You will find peace, where God is present.”

Romans 15:33

“That’s peace—relationship with God.”

Romans 14:17

“Peace is the kingdom of God and the message of Christ.”

Protect your peace quotes
Protect your peace quotes

John 14:1

“He that dwelleth in peace seeth the benefits of God.”

John 14:27

“He who gives peace is the medium of God.”

Psalm 37:37

“Keep your peace, God is your companion.”

2 Corinthians 13:11

“God unites us through peace.”

2 Thessalonians 3:16

“The inspiration of peace comes from God.”

Ephesians 2:14

“God make peace among us.”

1 John 4:18

“Achieve peace through love.”

Luke 1:79

“Seek peace, and then save the kingdom of God.”

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

“Ask for peace, God will give it.”

These are some powerful Bible protect your peace quotes that help us keep our peace.  Keep the peace, may the peace of God fill you.

How can you be effective in protecting peace?

If you want to protect your peace of mind, you need to follow some simple steps.  Peacekeeping is a focused and conscious process that will help keep you physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy. Below are some important quotes that will inspire you to realize the importance of peace and protect it.

Importance protect your peace quotes

Mahatma Gandhi

“Peace is a kind of energy, which creates balance between body and mind.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“When your peace is secure, you see the world more beautifully.”

Deepak Chopra

“You can never lose your peace if you want to be at peace.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

“Peace requires harmony of pure mind and body.”

Lao Tzu

“Keep your mind as calm as possible. That is the best gift of life.”

Anne Frank

“When you live in peace, you can spread peace throughout the world.”

Ellen DeGeneres

“Your peace is your only right.”

Holy Ramakrishna

“Peace is the source of your spiritual strength.”

Martin Luther King Jr

“Peace of mind is the power of your creation.”


“The search for peace is eternal, but it must first be within you.”

Robert Frost

“The pursuit of peace is the greatest achievement of life.”

Sunita Williams

“Make peace among yourselves for your own peace.”

Joshua Mudu

“Peace will not come until you acknowledge your own peace.”

Steven Hawking

“For peace you must first find peace within yourself.”


“Guard your peace, for it is the real jewel of your life.”

Leo Tolstoy

“Peace is a purity of heart, which makes the world beautiful.”

Sora Patel

“If you want peace, find it in your mind.”

Helen Keller

“Life balance is crucial to peace.”

Dale Carnegie

“Peace doesn’t come from the outside world, it comes from within.”

Steven Hawking

“You will never need to apologize to others to bring peace of mind.”

Rabindranath Tagore

“Peace is the power that can change the world through love and reconciliation.”


“The feeling of peace is one of the most beautiful feelings in the world.”

Walt Disney

“To keep your peace, how you relate to others is crucial.”

Francis of Assisi

“The more peace you feel, the more peace you spread.”

George Harrison

“Consider the peace of others, for it is connected with your peace.”

Elizabeth Cubby

“Peace is life’s greatest gift.”

Bill Gates

“Peace will come only when you change your view of the world.”

John Lennon

“Peace is the root of everything, and it deserves to be in your heart.”

Abraham Lincoln

“Every man can find peace, but first he must find peace within himself.”

Jack Maw

“To keep your peace, you must maintain your confidence and strength.”

Nelson Mandela

“When you keep your peace, you help others on their way to peace.”

William Shakespeare

“Peace is a state of self-confidence, where you are completely happy with your point of view.”

Sarah Coursey

“Peace and love find each other, and it’s not really a force, it’s just a feeling of the soul.”

Protect your peace quotes
Protect your peace quotes

The protect your peace quotes on securing peace given above will help guide you in securing your peace. Through these you will learn how your own peace can create a stable foundation in your life.

Direction of Peace: Maintaining peace in every part of life

Peace should be found not only in the inner life, but also in the outer life. Maintaining peace in every area of ​​life is an important goal. Here are some quotes that may help you keep your peace. These protect your peace quotes will help you make the connection between inner peace and outer peace.

Maintaining protect your peace quotes

Mahatma Gandhi

“Peace is the peace of the soul, which cannot be disturbed by anything outside.”

Rabindranath Tagore

“No matter how much turmoil comes, only you will have peace within yourself.”


“He who finds peace within himself, is able to keep the world at peace.”

Michael Jackson

“There can be peace only when you agree with yourself.”

Tony Robbins

“Confidence and peace thirst for each other.”

Archbishop Desmond Tutu

“Peace never depends on external circumstances, it is a position of the heart.”

Martin Luther King Jr

“The path to peace is never easy, but it is eternal.”

Jenny Wilson

“If you want to keep your peace, learn to stay away from turmoil.”

Elliot Hubbard

“If you find peace within yourself, the world outside will also be peaceful.”

Jim Rohn

“Peace is a sense of liberation, which can only be found within oneself.”

Helen Keller

“Find peace within yourself, the world outside will be peaceful.”

Audrey Hepburn

“Keep your peace, for its price is priceless throughout the world.”

John William

“Peace is a kind of power, which is created only in the mind.”

Victor Hugo

“For outer peace, you must create inner peace.”

La Twila

“Making peace is a daily practice.”

Christina Bell

“To keep your peace, never change another’s point of view.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Peace must be your chosen path, it requires some effort and will.”

Maya Angelou

“Without peace you cannot be truly happy.”

Brene Brown

“To keep your peace, you must be steady in your mind and heart.”

Maria Carrel

“Peace is the inner calm of confidence and trust.”

The Dalai Lama

“When you are at peace, the world around you is also at peace.”

Harvey Fi

“Peace is the greatest power in the world, which resides in the hearts of all of us.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

“To walk the path of peace, one must first be at peace with oneself.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“He who finds peace, keeps the world at peace.”

Harry Kipling

“Peace does not require an external condition, it is the result of an internal state of mind.”

Allen Watts

“Your peace depends only on yourself.”

Brenda Ash

“A relationship of peace and happiness never ends, it’s a peak path.”

Dennis Waitley

“Peace requires the utmost strength and patience.”

Courtney Lamb

“Whatever storms come, keep your peace intact.”

Steven Hawking

“Peace helps you stay well, makes life more beautiful.”

Steven Covey

“To find peace you must first clear your vision.”

Chris Hersh

“Peace is an expression of confidence, which reveals your inner strength.”

Protect your peace quotes
Protect your peace quotes

Tina Turner

“Only you can save your peace.”

Peace is never in the external world, it resides in the mind and soul.”  – James Cameron

Keeping peace in our life is very important, but sometimes some simple mistakes can destroy our peace.  In this article we will discuss how to keep your peace and what mistakes to avoid.

Maintaining Peace in Every Area of ​​Life,  

Peace should be found not only in the inner life, but also in the outer life. This is an important lesson, which will motivate you to protect your inner peace. At the end of the article you will find protect your peace quotes, which emphasize on keeping peace and maintaining peace in the daily struggle of life. 

Some Common Mistakes When Peacekeeping

Your peace depends only on yourself.”  – Allen Watts

Brenda Ash

“A relationship of peace and happiness never ends, it’s a peak path.”

Dennis Waitley

“Peace requires the utmost strength and patience.”

Courtney Lamb

“Whatever storms come, keep your peace intact.”

Steven Hawking

“Peace helps you stay well, makes life more beautiful.”

Steven Covey

“To find peace you must first clear your vision.”

Chris Hersh

“Peace is an expression of confidence, which reveals your inner strength.”

Tina Turner

“Only you can save your peace.”

James Cameron

“Peace is never in the external world, it resides in the mind and soul.”

Quotes are taken from famous people of the world, who understand the importance of peace and confidence.

Maintaining Peace about “The Direction of Peace: 

Maintaining Peace in Every Area of ​​Life”, which highlights the importance of maintaining peace in various areas of your life. Peace should be found not only in the inner life, but also in the outer life. This is an important lesson, which will motivate you to protect your inner peace. At the end of the article you will find protect your peace quotes, which emphasize on keeping peace and maintaining peace in the daily struggle of life. Quotes are taken from famous people of the world, who understand the importance of peace and confidence. Keeping peace in our life is very important, but sometimes some simple mistakes can destroy our peace. In this article we will discuss how to keep your peace and what mistakes to avoid. Losing self-confidence. Unbelief can be the enemy of our peace. When we lose confidence in ourselves, our view of the outside world is weakened. Without confidence, our focus gets distracted and peace is lost.

Some Common Mistakes When Peacekeeping

Alan Frank

“There is no peace without confidence.”

Melissa Hodson

“Believing in yourself means respecting your own peace.”

Alyssa Taylor

“Lack of confidence never brings peace, only anxiety.”

Chris Stevens

“The greater your confidence, the greater your peace.”

Rebecca Clarke

“If you don’t believe in yourself, you’ll never find peace.”


“Overthinking robs us of peace. When we overthink, our peace of mind is disturbed and anxiety builds. Thinking and being calm cannot go together.”

Sara Simmons

“Overthinking only increases anxiety, not peace.”

Dennis Harris

“The more you think, the more you lose your peace.”

John Worth

“To think is to lose peace.”

Patrick Harris

“Overthinking is never the path to peace.”

Lisa Gordon

“Reduce worry, increase peace.”

Henry Jackson

“It is not possible to please everyone, but it is possible to keep your own peace.”

Emma Davis

“If you are always trying to please others, you are likely to lose peace.”

Martha Clarke

“To keep your peace, sometimes it’s necessary to clean up relationships.”

Samuel Thomas

“To be in a relationship with everyone is to lose your peace.”

Nicholas J. Smith

“The more human relations, the less peace.”

David Smith

“Peace is only in your hands, depending on how you lead your life.”

Mary Jones

“When you are calm, God is with you.”

Harrison Lee

“Peace is the melody that is heard deep in the heart.”

Sandy Davis

“Peace can only be found when you love yourself.”

Clay Sanders

“The true destination of peace is knowing yourself.”

Richard Cooke

“The secret to peace is knowing your inner strength.”

Pamela Wilson

“Never blame anyone for keeping your peace.”

Donna Haley

“Peace is a gift that no one can take from you, if you keep it.”

Richard Brown

“Peace will never come without confidence.”

Elizabeth Hart

“True peace is found when you remove the restlessness of the mind.”

These quotes will make you more determined to keep your peace. Keeping peace is one of the most important tasks in life. Protect your peace quotes that may help you keep your peace.

We should have the right determination to maintain peace

Peace and stability are part of our life. To lead a peaceful life requires a strong attitude and will power. Here are some quotes that convey the importance of keeping the peace and being firm:

Best protect your peace quotes

Edward F. Hudson

“Peace is true power, which is earned by fortitude.”

Alyssa Knight

“Keep your peace, for it is the greatest gift on earth.”

Thomas Wright

“Peace requires firmness, and firmness requires confidence.”

Mark Twain

“Those who want peace never compromise.”

Jack Hartley

“Peace is the right combination of calm mind and firm spirit.”

George Orwell

“Peace resides only in the person who is strong within himself.”

Mary Catherine Black

“Peace is a decision, a process and determination.”

Walter Dillon

“Peace is found in confidence and determination.”

Lucy Frank

“In every moment of peace there must be some firmness.”

Jonathan Sawyer

“To find peace, one must first discover inner peace.”

Richard Davies

“Build firmness to ensure peace, for without it peace is impossible.”

Carolyn Francis

“Peace is essentially our firmness of mind and spirit.”

Warren Black

“Peace is a challenge, but it is achieved through fortitude.”

Oprah Winfrey

“Never lose confidence for peace, make firmness a companion.”

David Gray

“As much as peace is necessary, so firmness is necessary.”

Elizabeth Lair

“Peace will come to those who steadfastly keep peace of mind.”

Richard Hanson

“True prosperity comes when peace and fortitude go together.”

Elina Smith

“Peace makes a man aware of his own strength.”

Michael Taylor

“In order to achieve peace, a foundation of strength must first be laid.”

Regina Manning

“Strengthening for peace is not just your job, it’s part of your life.”

Hannah Moore

“Peace truly comes only when we are strong within ourselves.”

Laura Michaels

“Peace is a combination of peace of mind, confidence and determination.”

Olivia Grant

“Strength and fortitude are needed to preserve peace.”

Evan Donaldson

“If you want peace, be strong.”

Jerry Hart

“Fortitude and peace are a unified concept.”

Susan Williams

“Without peace, the world will not be peaceful. However, it is possible by having fortitude within yourself.”

Emily Brown

“Peace is acceptance, but it requires determination to achieve it.”

Robert Smith

“Peace is the situation in which you accept the tenacity of your life.”

Cyril O’Neill

“Peace be in the heart, fortitude in the mind.”

Michael Franklin

“Peace requires inner strength, which cannot be reduced by anything.”

Christopher Jones

“The path to peace is a journey of fortitude.”

Debra Herbert

“Peace comes from the person who firmly chooses the life he wants.”

Alexis Fox

“Proceed steadfastly in pursuit of peace.”

Tommy Aldrod

“Peace is not a condition, it is a reflection of your own determination.”

Stephen Wright

“Peace and firmness complement each other.”

June Clifton

“To achieve peace, first develop inner peace.”

These protect your peace, protect your peace quotes will encourage you to build a strong relationship between peace and fortitude, which will improve the quality of your life.

Preserving Peace: One Man’s Personal Journey

Everyone’s path to keeping peace is different and it can be different for everyone.  Achieving and maintaining peace is a personal journey, which takes place within each person through qualitative change and self-confidence. For some people it is mental peace, for some people it is physical peace, and for some people it is spiritual peace.

Here are some quotes that can help keep the peace:

Best protect your peace quotes

Mahatma Gandhi

“Achieving peace starts from within yourself, not just the outside world.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

“Outward peace will never come without inner peace.”

John Widner

“You seek peace? Create peace within yourself.”

The Dalai Lama

“Peace is not just the absence of war, it’s peace of mind.”


“He who knows how to keep his peace, never loses.”


“Peace and love are friends of each other.”

Helen Keller

“It is our job to find peace in the circumstances we live in.”

Victor Hugo

“Peace is easy to seek, but hard to keep.”

Sadat Hasan Manto

“With peace lies our victory.”

Selma Lovelace

“Peace is the name of a natural state, which you should be within.”

Ernest Hemingway

“Happiness is to be found in sorrow, not peace.”


“If you can keep yourself at peace, you can give peace to others.”


“Peace is liberation rather than attainment.”


“If you want peace, you must keep yourself quiet.”

Francis Bacon

“The more quiet, the more power.”

William Shakespeare

“Peace and comfort are the same entities, which complement each other.”

Carl Jung

“To attain peace, one must first establish peace within oneself.”

Michael Jackson

“Peace is not just a destination, it’s a journey.”


“A quiet mind is the greatest power in the world.”

Helen Keller

“Our first task in creating peace is to be calm ourselves.”

Henry David Thoreau

“Never go against your principles to keep the peace.”

Maya Angelou

“When you are at peace, you can make peace with the world.”

Malala Yousafzai

“Peace is the sign of a strong man.”

Alexander Graham Bell

“It is your duty to keep your peace.”

Howard Thurman

“Peace is peace of mind, peace of soul and peace of body.”


“Peace and love contain the best power.”

Take it

“Peace with oneself leads to peace with others.”

Dale Carnegie

“He who keeps his mind calm, is successful in life.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Peace is a state we create, through our thoughts and actions every day.”

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

“If you don’t keep your peace, others will take it away.”

St. Augustine

“Never sacrifice your self-respect to preserve peace.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

“To have peace, you must preserve the purity of your soul.”

Nelson Mandela

“Peace is fixed in the heart of man, when it becomes the true purpose of life.”

The protect your peace quotes mentioned here call for the importance of keeping peace and the personal journey. It helps us understand that peace is an internal matter, which is not only dependent on the external environment, but also on our own mindset and behavior.

Preserving Peace: One Man’s Personal Journey

Everyone’s path to keeping peace is different and it can be different for everyone.  Achieving and maintaining peace is a personal journey, which takes place within each person through qualitative change and self-confidence. For some people it is mental peace, for some people it is physical peace, and for some people it is spiritual peace.

Here are some quotes that can help keep the peace:

Spiritual protect your peace quotes

Mahatma Gandhi

“Achieving peace starts from within yourself, not just the outside world.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

“Without inner peace, outer peace will never come.”

John Widner

“You seek peace? Create peace within yourself.”

The Dalai Lama

“Peace is not just the absence of war, it’s peace of mind.”


“He who knows how to keep his peace, never loses.”


“Peace and love are friends of each other.”

Helen Keller

“It is our job to find peace in the circumstances we live in.”

Victor Hugo

“Peace is easy to seek, but hard to keep.”

Sadat Hasan Manto

“With peace lies our victory.”

Selma Lovelace

“Peace is the name of a natural state, which you should be within.”

Ernest Hemingway

“Happiness is to be found in sorrow, not peace.”


“If you can keep yourself at peace, you can give peace to others.”


“Peace is liberation rather than attainment.”


“If you want peace, you must keep yourself quiet.”

Francis Bacon

“The more quiet, the more power.”

William Shakespeare

“Peace and comfort are the same entities, which complement each other.”

Carl Jung

“To attain peace, one must first establish peace within oneself.”

Michael Jackson

“Peace is not just a destination, it’s a journey.”


“A quiet mind is the greatest power in the world.”

Helen Keller

“The first thing we need to do to create peace is to be at peace ourselves.”

Henry David Thoreau

“Never go against one’s principles to maintain peace.”

Maya Angelou

“When you are at peace, you can make peace with the world.”

Malala Yousafzai

“Peace is the sign of a strong man.”

Alexander Graham Bell

“It’s your responsibility to keep your peace.”

Howard Thurman

“Peace is peace of mind, peace of soul and peace of body.”


“Peace and love contain the best power.”


“Peace with oneself leads to peace with others.”

Dale Carnegie

“He who keeps his mind calm, is successful in life.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Peace is a state we create, through our thoughts and actions every day.”

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

“If you don’t keep your peace, others will take it away.”

St. Augustine

“Never sacrifice your self-respect to preserve peace.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

“To have peace, you must preserve the purity of your soul.”

Nelson Mandela

“Peace is fixed in the heart of man, when it becomes the true purpose of life.”

The protect your peace quotes mentioned here call for the importance of keeping peace and the personal journey. It helps us understand that peace is an internal matter, not only dependent on the external environment, but also on our own mindset and behavior.

Peacekeeping and the influence of external circumstances

The situations you are in can affect your peace of mind. External circumstances, such as the environment, people’s behavior, or events, affect our attitude and peacekeeping.  To maintain peace we have to learn how to distance ourselves from external situations and maintain peace. Here are protect your peace quotes peacekeeping quotes that may help you maintain your peace of mind:

Protect your peace quotes peacekeeping quotes

Alyssa Adams

“Peace is a force within us, untouched by the outside world.”

Sarah Johnson

“To be at peace with others, you must first be at peace with yourself.”

Martha Whitt

“For peace we must fight within ourselves.”

Robert Lynn

“For our peace it is necessary to change our own attitudes.”

Henry Thoreau

“Peace is not the result of an external creation, but an internal state.”

John Patton

“You make your own peace, not others.”

Lucy Grant

“When you’re looking for peace, you have to find some inner peace.”

David Miller

“Peace is mental stability, which cannot be broken by others.”

Richard Harris

“Peace is never determined by external circumstances, it resides in our hearts.”

Elizabeth St

“Find peaceful solutions to every problem.”

Patricia Wilson

“To keep peace, you must strengthen your inner strength.”

Michael Brown

“Peace does not come from the outside world, it is born in our minds.”

Kevin Dennis

“The power to preserve peace in every situation lies in our minds.”

Paul Calber

“Peace depends on our inner decisions.”

Melissa Peterson

“You must not let one steal your peace.”

James Wright

“To preserve peace, ignore external circumstances.”

Sandra Hill

“If you cannot find peace, return to yourself and find peace of mind.”

Robert Greene

“To get rid of external conditions we have to keep our mind calm.”

Michael Johnson

“Until you are calm, others can destroy your peace.”

Katie Anderson

“To preserve peace, you must first preserve yourself.”

Tom Harris

“Rather than changing the outer world for peace, change within yourself.”

Alison Davis

“Peace is the main goal of life.”

Richard Flynn

“The more peace you maintain, the more success will come in your life.”

Debra Jackson

“Peace does not depend only on external circumstances, but is the result of our inner attitude.”

Elizabeth Patterson

“Peace is our precious gift, which is more important than anything else.”

Nathan Clarke

“Keeping peace is the real challenge of life.”

Kyle Brout

“Peace is a state of mind, which cannot be disturbed by the outside world.”

Angela Smith

“When you are calm, the world around you is calm.”

Andrew Moore

“Try to be at peace as much as possible, for peace is the true goal of our lives.”

Ricky Nelson

“Peace guides people and makes them confident.”

Harry Goodwin

“Wherever you are, be with peace.”

Ruby Garfield

“Peace creates a balance between your mind, body and spirit.”

Jack Lynn

“To preserve our peace, external disturbances cannot affect us.”

Sarah Johnson

“Peace comes from our inner strength, not from the outer world.”

Donald Nichols

“Each one should keep his own peace, for peace is the only truth of life.”

 These were some protect your peace quotes about keeping peace and the influence of external circumstances, which can help you maintain peace of mind.

Living in harmony with peace

To live a peaceful life you need to follow some important things. Peace is not only dependent on external circumstances, it is also the state of your mind.  Inner peace and harmony are important for achieving peace.  The following protect your peace quotes can help you move towards living a peaceful and peaceful life.

Respect for peace

Elizabeth Gilbert

“Nothing can destroy your peace, if you preserve it beforehand.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“If peace is what you desire, find peace within yourself.”

The Dalai Lama

“Peace is not just freedom from restlessness, it is a state of deep calm.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Peace is the form of strength, which begins in the heart.”

Rosemary Cheloni

“Protecting peace is like protecting yourself.”

 Follow the path of peace

Nelson Mandela

“When you walk in peace, the world also finds peace.”


“When your heart is calm, the outside world is calm.”

Martin Luther King

“Bring peace with what you can.”

Helen Keller

“The road to peace is hard, but it is worth the journey.”

David Hunter

“For peace you must have a confident mind.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

“Peace comes when you can clear all the turmoil in your mind.”

Amit Rai

“The more peaceful you are, the more peace will spread.”

Lao Tu

“Peace is a priceless jewel. To attain it we must calm the troubled mind.”

Henry Ford

“Before seeking peace, learn to create peace within yourself.”

Aurobindo Ghosh

“In stillness lies strength.”

 Peace and Life


“Those who live in peace are truly happy.”

Aldous Huxley

“Without peace, there is no real joy in life.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Peace is the result of inner peace.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

“To attain peace we must first quiet our souls.”

Deepank Mehta

“Peace is the freedom of our hearts.”

 Peace and relationship

Benjamin Franklin

“Keep your peace, to keep the peace of others.”

Elizabeth Kewald

“Peace is the first stone on the road to love.”

Adam Smith

“Peace calms your mind, improves relationships.”

Olivia Watson

“Peace requires you to avoid unnecessary trouble.”

Anthony Robbins

“When relationships are calm, life is calm.”

 Peace and daily life

Albert Einstein

“As long as your mind is calm, you will not be distracted by anything.”

Oprah Winfrey

“Make time for peace, for it is the root of everything.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Find peace, and it will fill your life.”

The Dalai Lama

“When your heart is at peace, the world will be at peace.”

Jerry Kristen

“Peace is something that doesn’t stop you from going anywhere, it keeps you strong and steady.”

 A mantra of peace

Bill Gates

“Peace is the inner sum of energy, which brings harmony to our lives.”

Robert Frost

“When peace comes, every moment will be fulfilled.”

Ellen D. White

“Peace is not only a calm state of mind, it is reflected in our every action.”

Paul Calhoun

“Remember the cause of peace within, peace will be seen in others.”

Walter Crane

“By following the inner path of peace, we can succeed.”

 Peace Mantra: Bring peace in life

Arthur Schopenhauer

“Peace be with you, spouse.”

Lewis Hamilton

“Peace requires everyone to live together.”

Peter Dreker

“Peace is the fruit of a pure heart.”

Olivia Williams

“To achieve peace we must change our daily lives.”

Elliot Hughes

“The power to keep peace lies within you.”

Trust of peace

Anne Frank

“The more you are at peace, the more power you have to bring peace.”

Thomas Edison

“Peace creates stability, which energizes our inner strength.”

Thomas Jefferson

“Remember the sacrifices that must be made to achieve peace.”

Steven Hawking

“Keep your peace, then you will easily achieve your goal.”

Dale Carnegie

“With confidence comes peace, which frees your mind.”

Paul Coelho

“With peace it is easier to enjoy every moment of life.”

Orison Sweat Marden

“Keep calm, then you will be able to overcome the difficult moments of life easily.”

Mother Teresa

“When peace is in your heart, happiness follows you.”

Lao Tzu

“By keeping peace you become the companion of happiness.”

Mel Robbins

“Peace acts as a helping force to make your life happy.”

The Dalai Lama

“Peace and happiness are each other’s best friends.”

Rabindranath Tagore

“To keep the peace you have to respect yourself.”

Music Morningstar

“Peace begins within yourself.”

Lisa Nicholas

“He who keeps peace, fills his life with love.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

“To keep your peace you must first understand yourself.”

Martin Luther King Jr

“Keeping peace means accepting everything.”

Stephen Hawking

“Nothing is complete without peace.”

Pablo Picasso

“Peace is the strength of our souls.”

Maya Angelou

“Peace begins within oneself.”

Gregory Husson

“Peace comes only when the mind is at peace.”

James Rawlings

“Peace is the first step in a relationship with yourself.”

La Elena

“Satisfy your desire for peace.”

The Dalai Lama

“A cool person never loses.”

Nelson Mandela

“Peace is associated with strength.”

Helen Keller

“Your peace is your dearest treasure.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“To lose peace is to lose the purpose of life.”

Joan Callat

“Peace is an inner vow.”

Sarah Jessica Parker

“Without peace, the pursuit of happiness is impossible.”

Anne Frank

“Nothing is as powerful as peace.”

Francis Ford Coppola

“Peace is knowing yourself.”

Charlotte Phillips

“Peace brings purification and well-being to all.”

Oscar Wilde

“To win peace first win the battle of your mind.”

J. K. Rolling

“Peace is a gift, reflected by your trust.”

Martin Luther King

“Peace is worth a lot.”

Suzanne Stevens

“To achieve peace, you must first believe in creation.”

Albert Einstein

“Through peace we become the best version of ourselves.”

Alvin Toffler

“Peace brings us personal stability and fulfillment.”

Patrick Hardy

“Without peace, life seems like a friend.”

James Olivia

“Let self-love flow through your heart while maintaining peace.”

Alicia Cage

“Every moment is a victory in the defense of peace.”

Alan Kepler

“Peace and happiness respect each other.”

Orlando Williams

“Peace comes from your own perfection.”

James Blake

“Peace is the relationship between people.”

Michael Forster

“Peace is our path to progress.”

Emily Dickinson

“If peace is the purpose of life, it is the source of joy and happiness.”

Princess Diana

“Peace comes when you feel peace within yourself.”

Thaddeus Green

“Reconcile with all to preserve peace.”

Kelly Smith

“Peace improves your mental strength and health.”

Hans Christian

“Peace is the only right path to life.”

Bernard Shaw

“Peace and happiness will delight you in every moment of life.”

Kathleen More

“Create peace, then happiness will follow.”

Jennifer Lopez

“He who stands for peace will never lose.”

Nicholas Sparks

“Peace is the only gift that can be earned in return for any suffering.”

W. C. Heart

“Peace gives you the strength to reach deeper into life.”

Keep peace and have a happy life. Peace and happiness complement each other. A happy life becomes easier with peace, and it boosts your sense of mental well-being and happiness. Always remember these important lessons to keep your peace. To keep your peace you should learn some important lessons that will be useful in every phase of life. The keys to peace are self-respect, patience, and a positive attitude.


Keeping peace is one of the most important tasks in our lives. When we maintain our peace, our mental and physical health is also good. Lack of peace means chaos.  This disturbance can disrupt our happy life.  Hence, maintaining peace is important not only for ourselves but also for our loved ones.  There are small steps to take to maintain peace in daily life. Powerful protect your peace quotes like “Guard your peace” remind us of the importance of peace. While maintaining peace, we can handle everything in our life well. So, take care of your peace from today. It will bring happiness and prosperity in your life. By maintaining peace we can overcome all the challenges of life.Maintaining peace in life is very important not only for ourselves but also for those around us. As the quote “Keep your peace” reminds us, life is fleeting, and if we don’t keep our peace, everything else can fall into disarray.  Guard your peace and strength, Guard your peace and happiness,” such quotes teach us that peace is not only dependent on our external environment, but our inner peace is also of additional importance. Therefore, maintaining peace is an important task in our daily life.  By doing this we can make our lives and the lives of others happier and more peaceful.


Why is keeping the peace important?

Keeping peace maintains our mental and physical well-being. When we have peace, we can easily deal with all the pressures of life.

How do I protect my peace?  

Give yourself time for your mental and physical well-being, stay away from negative environments and support your feelings.

Are there any quotes for keeping the peace?  

Quotes like “Keep your peace” and “Keep peace at all times” help us keep our lives peaceful.

Is keeping peace mentioned in the Bible?  

Yes, the Bible mentions the importance of keeping peace, such as “Keep your peace” and “Peace be with you.

What does it mean to keep the peace?  

Practicing peace means maintaining your mental and physical peace, so that you can deal with life’s stresses with ease.

What are some short quotes to keep the peace?

Keep the peace,” “Keep the peace and strength,” and “Keep your peace at all times” are short but powerful quotes.

What did Trent Shelton say about keeping the peace?  

Trent Shelton says, “Guard your peace, for it is the foundation of your happiness.”

Are there any quotes about keeping peace on Instagram?   

Yes, there are many quotes about keeping the peace on Instagram, such as “keep the peace” and “keep your peace.”

What to do to preserve peace and power?  

To maintain peace and strength, you need to maintain patience, tolerance and confidence.

Is keeping peace beneficial for oneself?  

Yes, keeping calm can reduce your stress levels, which will help improve your physical and mental health.

What is the way to preserve peace and happiness?  

To maintain peace and happiness, value your feelings, meditate, and spend time with good friends.

What are some habits to keep the peace?  

Yes, regular meditation, healthy living, and spending some time alone every day are helpful in maintaining peace.

Is the quote “Guard your peace” very important?  

Yes, this quote reminds us that keeping peace is an important task in our lives.

Does keeping peace make our lives easier?  

Yes, keeping peace helps to simplify the complexities of our lives.

Should I take some personal steps to protect my peace?  

Yes, to keep your peace, you need to clear the clutter in your life and make the right decisions.

Are there any Bible quotes about keeping the peace?  

Yes, the Bible contains many quotes about keeping peace, such as Keep your peace.

How will keeping peace make my life better?  

Keeping peace will give you peace of mind and stability, which will make your life happier.

Is peacekeeping profitable in the long run?  

Yes, keeping peace is good for your physical and mental health in the long run.

What attitudes should be developed to preserve peace and power?  

Yes, to maintain peace and strength, you can develop a patient and positive attitude.

Does keeping the peace mean anything?  

Keep the peace” means making the right decisions in your life and taking care of your peace.

What kind of environment is needed to maintain peace?  

To maintain peace, a positive and peaceful environment is needed.

What external steps should be taken to preserve the peace?  

Yes, in external action, you can stay away from negative environment and have positive relationship with people around you.

What internal measures should be taken to preserve peace?  

As an inner step, you need to understand your own feelings and make decisions based on them.

Will there be any good if we keep the peace?  

Yes, keeping peace will make your life beautiful, peaceful and happy.

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