“How To Boost Your Confidence: Exercises to Build Self-Confidence”

Exercises to Build Self-Confidence

12 Exercises to Build Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is essential because it helps us reach our goals, deal with problems, and believe in ourselves. Our self-doubt and fear of failing can stop us from reaching our full potential. This helps us get past those things.

Although some people may be more confident by nature, confidence is a skill that can be learned and honed over time. Here are some tasks that can help you feel better about your self-confidence and make you more confident.

The Meaning Of Self-Confidence

Self-confidence means having faith in your skills and worth. It is a strong trust in one’s abilities, traits, and worth. Self-confidence means believing in your own choices, skills, and judgments and trusting yourself in various situations and tests.

It’s not about never having doubts about yourself or being afraid or unsure of anything. Instead, having self-confidence means recognizing and dealing with your feelings while keeping a positive attitude and believing that you can get through challenging situations and reach your goals.

Exercises to Build Self-Confidence
Exercises to Build Self-Confidence

Benefits of having self-confidence

Some of the most essential benefits of having self-confidence:

  • Better mental health, with less stress and self-doubt.
  • More resolve and the power to get back on your feet after a setback.
  • Better relationships by being bold and talking to each other.
  • Increased motivation to set and achieve goals.
  • Better decision-making and trust in one’s powers.
  • Better success and productivity in many areas of life.
  • More acceptance and a positive view of oneself.
  • Better ability to deal with criticism and rejection.
  • More happiness and satisfaction in personal and work activities.

Exercises to Build Self-Confidence

Building self-confidence is a process that requires consistent effort and practice. Here are some exercises that can help you boost your self-confidence:

  1. Practice Positive Self-Talk

Our inner conversation significantly affects how confident we feel in ourselves. Constantly criticizing and questioning our skills makes it hard to believe in ourselves. Conversely, talking positively to ourselves can make us feel better about our abilities and encourage us to accept challenges.

Start using positive self-talk by noticing your negative thoughts and changing them with positive statements. Instead of saying, “I’m not good enough,” for example, you could say, “I am capable and deserve to succeed.” Being more upbeat and believing in yourself will come from doing this exercise over time.

  • Recognize and fight evil thoughts.
  • Changing them to positive statements.
  • Practice regularly.
  1. Make small plans and stick to them.

Having faith in yourself is boosted by setting and reaching small goals. Finding success in any task, no matter how small, makes us feel good about ourselves and gives us a sense of satisfaction.

Prioritize your goals by making them attainable, like finishing a job or learning a new skill. At each step, reaching these targets will encourage you to take on more significant tasks and boost your confidence.

  • Create goals that you can reach.
  • Celebrate small wins.
  • Gradually take on more significant problems.
  1. Surround Yourself with Supportive People

The people we spend time with can affect how confident we feel. Being around people who are always negative and unsupportive can make us feel bad about ourselves and break our spirits.

Instead, hang out with people who support your goals and believe in you. Their support, advice, and ability to boost your confidence will be priceless. Also, remember to help others, as this makes the world a better and more energizing place.

  • Surround yourself with positive people.
  • Encouragement and help.
  • Encourage others to do the same.
  1. Get out of your comfort zone.

Being comfortable in our daily habits is normal, but getting out of our comfort zone is essential for growing and boosting our confidence. Intimidating new tasks and experiences can be expected, but the more we do them, the more sure we are of ourselves.

Slowly make things more complicated by trying new things or taking on more responsibility. Beyond boosting our confidence, getting out of our safe zone helps us learn new things and become stronger.

  • Try new things.
  • Take on new challenges.
  • Gradually increase the difficulty level.
  1. Practice self-care 

Maintaining good physical, mental, and social health boosts self-confidence. People who don’t take care of themselves can get tired and not have the energy to deal with life’s challenges.

Prioritise things that make you feel good, like working out, giving yourself a treat, or doing something you enjoy. Communicate your limits with others and learn to refuse things when they’re asked. Regular self-care also makes us more self-aware and in touch with our wants, which boosts our confidence.

  • Focus on doing things that make you happy.
  • Learning to say “no” and setting limits.
  • Focus on knowing yourself and caring for your physical, mental, and social health. 
  1. Accept Imperfection

Perfectionism can hurt our self-esteem because no one is perfect. We should not focus on our flaws but accept and love them as they are.

Understanding that everyone isn’t perfect helps us let go of false standards and the need to prove ourselves constantly. In addition, it makes us more empathetic towards ourselves and others, which boosts our confidence and helps us accept ourselves more.

  • Understanding that mistakes are a normal part of being human.
  • Give up ideals that aren’t realistic.
  • Develop more kindness for ourselves and others.


  1. Surround yourself with good people. 

Social circles have a significant effect on our self-confidence. Finding cheerful, helpful people who believe in us and our skills can help us feel more confident.

However, being around harmful people can make us feel bad about ourselves and lower our self-esteem. Our relationships should be looked at, and spending time with people who make us feel good should be a top priority.

  • Surround yourself with positive, supportive people.
  • Limit time spent with harmful or toxic people.
  • Prioritize relationships that bring out the best in you.
  1. Celebrate what you’ve accomplished.

We often judge ourselves too harshly and focus on what we haven’t done instead of what we have. Give yourself credit for your hard work and progress, and enjoy even the smallest wins.

Allowing ourselves to enjoy and appreciate our successes can boost our self-esteem and encourage us to keep working hard to reach our objectives.

  • Gratitude for even the smallest wins.
  • Appreciate your success and hard work. 
  • Utilize past wins to keep going.  


  1. Get professional help 

If low self-esteem is getting in your daily life, you can talk to a therapist or counselor. Building self-confidence and dealing with any underlying problems or negative thought habits can be helped by their support and advice.

Staying for help is a sign of power, not weakness. It requires bravery to admit when we need help and work to improve. 

  • Consider seeking professional help if low self-confidence is impacting daily life.
  • Therapists/counselors can provide support and guidance in building self-confidence.
  • Seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. 
  • It takes courage to acknowledge when we need assistance and actively work towards improving ourselves.
  1. Constantly improving yourself

The process of boosting your confidence is ongoing and requires consistent hard work. Reviewing our ideas and actions on a daily basis is as important as fixing things as needed. Following are some methods to keep boosting your self-confidence:

Exercises to Build Self-Confidence
Exercises to Build Self-Confidence
  • Practice talking positively to yourself. 
  • Create reasonable targets and work to reach them. 
  • Surround people who will help and inspire you. 
  • Focus on your progress instead of comparing yourself to others. 
  • Maintain good mental and physical health. 
  • Celebrating small wins and focusing on your skills are important. 
  • Get out of your comfort zone and try new things. 

Potential barriers to building self-confidence

Self-awareness, self-compassion, and constant effort are needed to get past obstacles. Fighting bad thoughts, keeping an upbeat attitude, asking for help, and enjoying small wins are all parts of it. To gradually gain self-confidence, you must be patient, persistent, and dedicated to your growth.

Building your confidence can be a long process of obstacles and problems. Some things that might make it hard to boost your confidence are:

  • Negative Self-Talk: Talking badly to yourself all the time can hurt your confidence. 
  • Comparison: Looking at other people and thinking about how you compare can make you feel bad about yourself and lower your confidence.
  • Perfectionism: Trying to be perfect can make you set impossible goals and lower your self-esteem.
  • Trauma from the past: Failure or abuse in the past can make someone doubt their skills.
  • Lack of Support: It can be hard to build self-confidence if you don’t have a strong group of people who believe in you.

12 Confidence Building Exercises You Can Do Every Day

Exercises to Build Self-Confidence: FAQs

Q: What is self-confidence?

A: Self-confidence is the belief in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgment. It is having faith in yourself and your decisions.

Q: Why is self-confidence important?

A: Building and maintaining a healthy level of self-confidence can have numerous benefits, including increased motivation, resilience, and the ability to handle challenges and setbacks.

Q: Can self-confidence be learned?

A: Yes, self-confidence can be learned through various exercises and practices. It is a skill that can be developed and strengthened over time.

Q: What are some exercises for building self-confidence?

  1. Positive Self Talk: Practice speaking kindly to yourself and challenging negative thoughts.
  2. Affirmations: Create daily affirmations to reinforce positive beliefs about yourself.
  3. Visualization: Use your imagination to visualize yourself achieving success and feeling confident.
  4. Goal Setting: Set achievable goals and celebrate your accomplishments along the way.
  5. Facing Your Fears: Identify and confront your fears safely and calmly.
  6. Body Language: Stand tall and practice confident body language, even if you don’t feel it.
  7. Gratitude: Recognize and appreciate all the good things in your life and about yourself.

Q: Can exercise help improve self-confidence?

A: Yes, regular physical activity has been shown to boost self-confidence by improving mood, reducing stress and anxiety, and increasing self-esteem.

To sum up,

 Boosting your confidence is an ongoing process that needs regular hard work and commitment. It won’t happen overnight, but anyone can boost their confidence if they think about it and do it correctly.

As we’ve talked about, there are many things you can do to boost your confidence, such as talking positively to yourself, having goals you can reach, facing your fears, and surrounding yourself with positive people. Remember that growth might not always go in a straight line, and there might be setbacks along the way. Still, it’s important not to give up and keep working on getting more confident.

Also read: Positive Thinking Techniques for Weight Loss

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